Dr. I. Michael Navon
Professor of Mathematics, School of Computational Science and Department of Mathematics, Florida State University
set number
Program Director, Optimization and Optimal Control

This page has been visited: times since May 9, 2004
Ensemble Kalman filter for GAN-ConvLSTM based long lead-time forecasting Meiling Cheng,
Fang Fangxin, Ionel Michael Navon and Christopher Pain Journal of Computational Science, Vol 69, Page 1024
SketchyDMD:Dynmic mode Decomposition with Core sketch. S. E. Ahmed, P.E.. Daghabian, Omer San,
D, A, Bistrian and
Ionel M. Navon. Physics of Fluids ,Vol 34, Issue 6,Page 066603 (2022)
Physics-data combined machine learning for parametric reduced-order
modelling of nonlinear dynamical systems in small-data regimes Jinlong Fu,
Dunhui Xiao, Rui Fu, Chenfeng Li, Chuanhua Zhu, Rossella Arcucci, Ionel M. Navon.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
, Vol 404,FEb 2023, Pages P115771 (2023)
Assessing uncertainty and heterogeneity in machine
learning-based spatiotemporal ozone prediction in China
Meiling Cheng, Fang Fangxin, Ionel Michael Navon,Jie Zheng, Jiang Zhu,
Christopher Pain Science of the Total Environment Volume 881, 10 July 2023, 163146 (2023)
An AI-based Non-Intrusive Reduced-Order Model with Domain Decomposition
applied to Multiphase Flow in Pipes Claire E. Heaney, Zef Wolffs,Jótli Tósomasson,
Lyes Kahouadji, Pablo Salinas,Andre Nicolle, Ionel M. Navon,Omar K. Matar,Narakorn Srinil and
Christopher C.Pain Physics of Fluids Vol 34, Issue 6
CAMERA: A Method for Cost-aware, Adaptive, Multifidelity,
Efficient Reliability Analysis
S. Ashwin Renganathan, Vishwas Rao , and Ionel M. Navon Journal of Computational Physics (2023) Vol 472, 111698,January 1-st 2023
Extending the capabilities of data-driven reduced-order models to make predictions for unseen scenarios.
. AcceptedA.Claire E. Heaney1, Xiangqi Liu, Hanna Go
, Zef Wolffs,Pablo Salinas, I. Michael Navon and Christopher C. Pain Abstract for ECComas Conference. (2022)
Spatio-temporal Hourly and Daily Ozone Forecasting in China Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Model: Autoencoder and Generative Adversarial Networks, Meiling Cheng, Fangxin
Fang , Ionel M. Navon, Jie Zheng, Xiao Tang, Jian Zhu and Christopher Pain Online,Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES) https://doi.org/10.1029/2021MS002806 (2022)
Application of deterministic and randomized Dynamic Mode Decomposition in epidemiology and fluid dynamics D. A. Bistrian, G. Dimitriu, and I. M. Navon. l Annals of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi (New Series). Mathematics. Vol. 66 Issue 2, p251-287. 37p
A data driven reduced order model of
fluid flow by Auto-Encoder and self-attention deep learning methods R Fu, D Xiao, IM Navon,
C Wang , International Journal of
Numerical Methods in Engineering vol 124 Issue 3. pages 3087-3111,
A nonintrusive hybrid neural-physics
modeling of incomplete dynamical systems\: Lorenz equations. Suraj Pawar, Omer San, Adil Rasheed, Ionel M. Navon Accepted for publication in International Journal on Geomathematics Vl 12, NO 1, December (2021)
Feasibility of DEIM for retrieving the initial field via dimensionality reduction Yuepeng Wang, Xuemei Ding, Kun Hu, Fangxin Fang, I.M.Navon, Guang Lin.
Journal of Computational Physics Volume 429, 15 March 2021, 110005
Sketching Methods for Dynamic Mode Decomposition in Spherical Shallow Water Equations Shady E. Ahmed, Omer San,Diana A. Bistrian and Ionel M. Navon AIAA_SciTech
2022 Conference3-7 January 2022 Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, CA & Online (2021)
A real-time flow forecasting with deep convolutional generative adversarial network: application to flooding event in Denmark Meiling Cheng, Fangxin Fang, Ionel Navon and Christopher Pain Phys. Fluids Vol 33, 056602 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0051213 (2021)
ESTIMATION USING THE FSU GLOBAL SPECTRAL MODEL AND ITS FULL-PHYSICS ADJOINT . Yanqiu Zhu, PhD Thesis, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute of Florida State University. (1998)
OF DATA ASSIMILATION Santha Akella PhD Thesis, Applied Mathematics,Florida State University (2006)
An advanced hybrid deep adversarial autoencoder for
parameterized nonlinear fluid flow modelling M. CHENG, F. FANG, C.C. PAIN and I.M. NAVON Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
Volume 372, 1 December 2020, 113375 (2020)
Data-driven modelling of nonlinear spatio-temporal fluid flows using a deep
convolutional generative adversarial network. M. CHENG, F. FANG, C.C. PAIN and I.M. NAVON Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 365, 15 June 2020, 113000,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2020.113000 (2020)
Long short-term memory embedded nudging schemes for nonlinear data
assimilation of geophysical flows. Suraj Pawar, Shady E Ahmed, Omer San, a) Adil Rasheed, and Ionel M. Navon. Physics of Fluids. Phys. Fluids 32, 076606 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0012853
Long lead-time daily and monthly streamflow forecasting
using machine learning methods M.Cheng, F. FANG M, T. Kinouchib, .
I.M. NAVON AND C.C. PAIN` JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY Volume 590, November 2020, 125376 (2020)
Medium range forecasts using cut.cells: a sensitivity study.J. Steppeler J. Li I. M. Navon F. Fang
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 132:171-179 (2020)
Sampling and resolution characteristics in reduced order models
of shallow water equations: intrusive vs non-intrusive.Shady E. Ahmed, Omer San, Diana A. Bistrian and Ionel M. Navon
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (2020) Volume 92, Issue 8 pages 992-1036 https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.4815
A proper orthogonal decomposition variational multiscale
meshless interpolating element free Galerkin method for
incompressible magnetohydrodynamics flow,Mostafa Abbaszadeh, Mehdi Dehghan, Ionel Michael Navon.International Journal for Numerical Methods in FluidsVolume 92, Issue 10
Pages: 1415-1436
Third-Order Sparse Grid Generalized Spectral Elements on Hexagonal Cells for Uniform-Speed Advection in a Plane . J. Steppeler, J. Li,, F. Fang, I. M. Navon
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics A 132:703-719 (2020)
Modeling dynamic patterns from COVID-19
data using randomized dynamic mode decomposition in predictive mode and ARIMA D. A. Bistrian, G. Dimitriu, and I. M. Navon. AIP Conference Proceedings 2302, 080002 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0033963
Application of deterministic and randomized Dynamic Mode Decomposition in epidemiology and fluid dynamics D. A. Bistrian, G. Dimitriu, and I. M. Navon. l Annals of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi (New Series). Mathematics. In Press.
Feasibility of DEIM for retrieving the initial field via dimensionality reduction Yuepeng Wang, Xuemei Ding, Kun Hu, Fangxin Fang, I.M.Navon, Guang Lin.
Journal of Computational Physics Available online
MODELING OF NON-ERGODIC FLOWS. Shady E. Ahmed , S Rahman, O San, A Rasheed, IM Navon Physics of Fluids Vol 31, 126602 (2019) (2019)
A Reduced Order Model for Solving Eigenvalue Problems for Light Water
Reactor Assemblies.A.G. Buchan, S. Jewe, I. M. NavonSubmitted to International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2019)
Machine learning-based rapid response tools for regional air pollution
modelling.D. Xiao, F. Fang, J. Zheng, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon Atmospheric Environment ,Volume 199, , Pages 463-473, (2019)
Processing epidemiological data using dynamic mode decomposition
method.. D. A. Bistrian, G. Dimitriu, and I. M. Navon AIP Conference Proceedings 2164, 080002 (2019) (2019)
Rapid spatio-temporal flood prediction and uncertainty
quantification using a deep learning method. Rong Hu, Fangxin Fang, Christopher Pain and
Ionel Michael Navon Journal of Hydrology Volume 575, August 2019, Pages 911-920 (2019)
A Domain Decomposition Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Model for
Turbulent Flows.D. Xiao, C.E. Heaney, F. Fang, L. Mottet, R. Hu, D.A. Bistrian,
E. Aristodemou, I.M. Navon, C.C. Pain Computers and Fluids Vol. 82 pp 15--27.
A domain decomposition for the non-intrusive reduced order modelling of fluid flow.Xiao Dunhui, Fangxin Fang,
CLaire Heaney, I. Michael Navon, and Christopher Pain Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 354, 1 September 2019, Pages 307-330 (2019)
DEIM-based retrieval of initial conditions for
Navier-Stokes equations using optimal
observations. Yuepeng Wang, Xuemei Ding , Kun Hu, Fangxin Fang , I.M.Navon To be submitted to CMAME (2019)
A Goal-Based Parameterised Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Model demonstrated on a Geothermal Reservoir CE Heaney, P Salinas, D Xiao, F Fang, IM Navon and Cristopher C Pain.congress.cimne.com (2019)
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, Volume II Applications to Large-Scale Systems.
Dan G. Cacuci, Mihaela Ionescu-Bujor, Ionel Michael Navon
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, Volume II Applications to Large-Scale Systems.
May 16, 2005 CRC Press, 368 pp (2005)
Efficiency of randomised dynamic mode decomposition for reduced order modelling.D. A. Bistrian and I. M. Navon International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics Vol 32, Issues 2-3,pages 88-103,
A Domain Decomposition Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Model for
Turbulent Flows.D. Xiao, C.E. Heaney, F. Fang, L. Mottet, R. Hu, D.A. Bistrian,
E. Aristodemou, I.M. Navon, C.C. Pain Computers and Fluids Vol. 82 pp 18--27.
Goal-based sensitivity maps
using time windows and ensemble perturbations.Claire Heaney, Pablo Salinas, Fangxin Fang,
Christopher C Pain and Ionel M Navon. Submitted for publication to Journal Of
Computational Physics. (2018)
A Reduced Order Model for Turbulent Flows
in the Urban Environment (R2) Using Machine Learning. D. Xiao,F. Fang, L. Mottet,I.M. Navon, C.E. Heaney, Y. Guo,O.K. Matar, W. Lin, A.G. Robins, C.C. Pain.Building and Environment
Vol 148,pp 323-337. (2019)
Performance of Adaptive Unstructured Mesh
Modelling in Idealized Advection Cases over Steep Terrains. Jinxi Li , Jie Zheng ,*, Jiang Zhu , Fangxin Fang , Christopher. C. Pain ,
Jurgen Steppeler, Ionel M. Navon and Hang Xiao.Atmosphere 2018 Vol 9 Issue (11),444 (2018)
Deep learning-based rapid response tools for regional air pollution modelling.Dunhui Xiao, Fangxin Fang, Jie Zheng
Christopher Pain, I. Michael Navon.Accepted with revisions by Atmospheric Environment. (2018)
reduced order modelling of multi-fluid flows in oil reservoirs with uncertain rock properties.
D. Xiao, F. Fang, P. Salinas, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon and A. Muggeridge. To be submitted.
Well Optimisation With Goal-Based Sensitivity Maps Using Time Windows And Ensemble Perturbations.C.E. Heaney, P. Salinas , C.C. Pain , F. Fang and I.M. Navon
16 European Conference on Mathematics of Oil Recovery. Barcelona, Spain. Sept 2018.
An Indirect Shooting Method Based on the POD/DEIM Technique for Distributed Optimal Control of the Wave Equation.
Z. Sabeh ,M. Shamsi and I.M. Navon International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Volume 86, Issue 7, pages 433--453
On Triangle Inequality Based Approximation Error Estimation.A.K. Alekseev, A.E.Bondarev and I. M. Navon Submitted for publication to Journal of Computational Physics (2017)
Non-intrusive model reduction for a 3D
unstructured mesh control volume finite element reservoir model and its application to fluvial channels. Xiao D, Fang F, Pain C, Salinas P, Navon IM, Wang Z Published online in International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (2017)
Towards non-intrusive reduced order 3D free surface flow
D. Xiao, F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon.
Ocean Engineering Vol 140 ,pp 155--168(2017)
Highly-efficient Reduced Order Modelling Techniques
for Shallow Water Problems. D.A. Bistrian and I.M. Navon. International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017), May 10-12,
2017, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Hunedoara, Romania.g (2017)
On Estimation of Discretization Error Norm via Ensemble of Approximate Solutions.
A.K. Alekseev, A.E.Bondarev, I. M. Navon Submitted for publication to Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, (2017)
A parameterized non-intrusive reduced order model and
error analysis for general time-dependent nonlinear partial differential equations and its applications. D. Xiao, F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering , Volume 317, 15 April 2017, Pages 868-889 (2017)
Domain decomposition non-intrusive reduced order
modelling of non-linear flow dynamics.D. Xiao, F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon Submitted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering . (2017)
Randomized Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Non-Intrusive
Reduced Order Modelling. D. A. Bistrian and I .M.Navon International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Volume 112, October 2017, Pages 3--25 (2017)
Parameter identification techniques applied to
an environmental pollution model.Wang Yuepeng, Cheng Yue, I.Michael Navon, Guan Yuanhong JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND
MANAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION Volume 14, Number 2,Pages pp. 817-831 April 2018 (2018)
A non-intrusive reduced-order model for compressible fluid and fractured solid coupling and its application to blasting. D. Xiao, P. Yang, F. Fang, J. Xiang, , C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon, M. Chen.Journal of Computational Physics
Volume 330, 1 February 2017, Pages 221--244 (2017)
Comparative numerical analysis using reduced-order
modeling strategies for nonlinear large-scale systems Gabriel Dimitriu , Razvan Stefanescu ,
Ionel M. Navon Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 310, 15 January 2017, Pages 32-43 (2017)
The method of Dynamic Mode Decomposition in shallow water
and a swirling flow problem. D.A. Bistrian and I.M. Navon. Special Issue of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 2017; Vol 83,pp 73--89 (2017)
Non-intrusive reduced order modeling for multiphase
porous media flows using Smolyak sparse grids.D.Xiao, Z.Lin, F.Fang, C.Pain, I.M. Navon, P. Salinas,A. Muggeridge
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Vol 83, Issue 2, pages 205--219) (2017)
An efficient goal based reduced order model approach for targeted
adaptive observations.F.Fang,C.C.Pain, I.M. Navon, D.Xiao . International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Vol 83, Isssue 3,pp 263-275, (2017)
Non-intrusive reduced order modelling with least squares
fitting on a sparse grid. Z.Lin, D. Xiao, F. Fang,C.C. Pain and I.M. Navon* International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Vol 83 , Issue 3, pp 291-306 (2017)
Model Reduction and Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation
with Geophysical Applications A special issue in honor of I. Michael Navon's 75th birthday . Razvan Stefanescu, Bernd R Noack and Adrian Sandu (Eds)
A parameterized non-intrusive reduced order model and
error analysis for general time-dependent nonlinear partial differential equations and its applications. D. Xiao, F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering , Volume 317, 15 April 2017, Pages 868-889 (2017)
Ensemble data assimilation applied to an adaptive
mesh ocean model Juan Du, Jiang Zhu, Fangxin Fang, C. C. Pain and I. M. Navon
2D Burgers Equation with Large Reynolds Number Using POD/DEIM and Calibration.
Yuepeng Wang, I.Michael Navon, Xinyue Wang, Yue Cheng International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume 82, Issue 12, Pages 909-931, December 30,2016.
On Linear and Nonlinear Aspects of Dynamic Mode Decomposition.
A.K. Alekseev, D.A. Bistrian, A.E. Bondarev and I.M. Navon International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Volume 82, Issue 6
30 October 2016, Pages 348-371 (2016)
Variable parametric non-intrusive reduced order modelling of
Navier-Stokes equations D. Xiao, F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon Submitted for publication to Journal of
Computational and Applied Mathematics. (2016)
Non-intrusive reduced order modeling of fluid-structure interactions. D. Xiao, P. Yang, F. Fang, J. Xiang,
C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering , Volume 303, 1 May 2016, Pages 35-54. (2016)
Non-intrusive model reduction for a 3D unstructured mesh
control volume finite element reservoir model and its application to fluvial channels. D. Xiao, F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon, P. Salinas, A. Muggeridge Submitted for publication to
Computers and Geosciences. (2016)
Non-intrusive reduced order 3D free surface modelling.
D. Xiao, F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon. Submitted for publication to
Ocean Engineering (2016)
Variational Data Assimilation : Optimization and Optimal
Control F.X. Le Dimet, I.M. Navon and R.Stefanescu To appear in Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. III)". subtitled "A Memorial Volume for Yoshi K. Sasaki. ,edited by Seon Ki Park and published by Springer-Verlag. (2016)
Variational Ensemble Kalman Filtering in Hydrology.Doctoral Thesis of Zubeda Mussa Seif at
Lappeenranta University of Technology where I was Reviewer and Opponent Acta Universitatis Lappeerantaensis 75pp Defended 26 August 2015
POD/DEIM Reduced-Order Strategies for Efficient Four
Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation. R Stefanescu, A. Sandu and I.M. Navon Journal of Computational Physics Vol 295, pp 569-595, (2015)
Non-intrusive reduced order modeling of fluid-structure interactions. Dunhui Xiao, Pan Yang, Fangxin Fang, Jiansheng Xiang, Christopher Pain and I. Michael Navon . Accepted for publication with revisions in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering (2015)
Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation
minisymposium SIAM CSE 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah .A Sandu and R. Stefanescu , Retirement presentation honoring Michael Navon (2015)
Non-intrusive reduced order 3D free surface ocean
modelling D. Xiao, F. Fang,*, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon . Submitted for publication to Ocean Modelling (2015)
On Linear and Nonlinear Aspects of Dynamic Mode Decomposition.
A.K. Alekseev, D.A. Bistrian, A.E. Bondarev and I.M. Navon Accepted for publication in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (2015)
Gabriel Dimitriu, Razvan Stefanescu, Ionel M. Navon Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci.Ser. Math. Appl. Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 173--188, (2015)
Non-intrusive Reduced Order Modelling of the
Navier-Stokes Equations.D. Xiao, F. Fang, A.G. Buchan, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon, A. Muggeridge. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering Vol 293 ,pp 522-541, (2015)
.Non-intrusive reduced order modeling of multi-phase flow
in porous media using the POD-RBF methodD. Xiao, F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon,P.Salinas, A. Muggeridge Submitted to Journal of Computational Physics. (2015)
A POD Reduced Order Model for Resolving Angular Direction in
Neutron/Photon Transport Problems.A.G. Buchan, A. Calloo, M. G. Gomes, S. Dargaville, F. Fang, C. C. Pain, I. M. Navon. Journal of Computational Physics.
Vol 296, pp 138-157 (2015)
An improved Algorithm
for the shallow water equations model:Dynamic Mode Decomposition vs. POD. Diana A.Bistrian and I.M. Navon. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids . Vol. 78, Issue 6, pp
552--580 (2015)
A Study of 4D-Var and EnKF Coupling
Parameter-Estimation with a Simple Coupled System.Guijun Han, Xinrong Wu, Shaoqing Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, Ionel Michael Navon and Wei Li. Advances in Meteorology Special issue : Data Assimilation in
Numerical Weather and Climate Models. Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 530764, 16 pages (2015)
User Manual for code of the paper Impact of Non-Smooth Observation Operators
on Variational and Sequential Data Assimilation for a Limited-Area Shallow Water Equations Model in QJRMS Jeff Steward, Ionel Michael Navon, Napsu Karmitsa, and Milija Zupanski (2014)
Compressed file implementing code for the paper "Impact of Non-Smooth Observation Operators on Variational and
Sequential Data Assimilation for a Limited-Area Shallow Water Equations Model"in QJRMS Jeff Steward, Ionel Michael Navon, Napsu Karmitsa, and Milija Zupanski (2014)
An ensemble method for sensor optimisation applied to
falling liquid Films. Zhizhao Che, Fangxin Fang, James Percival, Christopher Pain, Omar
Matar and Michael Navon. International Journal of Multiphase Flow Vol 67, pp 153--161 (2014)
Non-intrusive Reduced Order Modelling of the
Navier-Stokes Equations.
D. Xiao, F. Fang, A.G. Buchan, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon, A. Muggeridge.Submitted for publication to Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2014
Reduced order modelling of an unstructured mesh air
pollution model and application in 2D/3D urban street
canyons. F. Fang , D.Pavlidis, C.C.Pain, A.G.Buchan, I.M.Navon. Atmospheric Environment. Vol 96,pp 96--106 (2014)
G. Dimitriu. Razvan Stefanescu, Ionel M. Navon. Accepted for publication in Mathematics and its Applications / Annals of AOSR (2014)
Application of a POD-DEIM Approach for Dimension Reduction of a Diffusive Predator-Prey System with Allee effect.Gabriel Dimitriu, Ionel M. Navon and
Razvan Stefanescu, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Large-Scale Scientific Computing, pp 373-381. LNCS 8353 Vol 42,Lirkov et al.(Eds.),Springer Verlag . (2014)
Numerical Comparison of Iterative Ensemble Kalman Filters for
Unsaturated Flow Inverse Modeling.Xuehang Song, Liangsheng Shi, Ming Ye,
Jinzhong Yang,*, and I. Michael Navon. Vadose Zone Journal Vol 13, No 2 (2014)
Comparison of POD reduced order
strategies for the nonlinear 2D Shallow Water Equations. R Stefanescu, A. Sandu and I.M. Navon International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids . Volume 76, Issue 8, 20 November 2014, Pages: 497-521 (2014)
Non-Linear model reduction for the Navier-Stokes
Equations using the residual DEIM method .D. Xiao, F. Fang, A.G. Buchan, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon,*, J. Du, G. Hu. Journal of Computational Physics.,
vol 263 ,1-18 (2014)
Non parametric calibration of the local volatility
surface for European options using a second order Tikhonov regularization., Jian Geng , I.M. Navon and Xiao Chen.
Quantitative Finance,, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 73-85 (2014)
Reduced order borehole induction modelling . N. Ardjmandpour, C. Pain, F. Fang, J. Singer, M. A. Player, Xu Xu, I. M. Navon, J.
Carter International Journal for Computational Fluid Dynamics, Volume: 28 Issue: 3-4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 140-157 (2014)
Computational Methods
for Data Evaluation and Assimilation. D.G.Cacuci, I.M. Navon and M. Ionescu-Bujor. Table of contents of book to appear August 15 in Taylor/Francis CRC Press (2013)
Sensitivity Analysis in Nonlinear Variational Data
Assimilation: Theoretical Aspects and Applications. Daescu D.N. and Navon I.M. Chapter in book : Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models:
Needs and Availability. Istvan Farago and Zahari Zlatev (Editors), Bentham Science Publishers, Published December 2013,ISBN: 978-1-60805-777-1
Nomination as Honorary Member of Academy of Romanian Scientists. (2013)
MODELING FOR STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY MODELS. Jian Geng doctoral thesis where I served as Major Professor. Department of Mathematics (2013)
1D+4D-/VAR data assimilation of lightning with WRFDA
system using nonlinear observation operators Razvan Stefanescu, Michael I. Navon, Max Marchand, Henry Fuelberg. Accepted for publication with revisions in Monthly Weather Review. (2013)
Non-smooth optimization in the 1D-Var data
assimilation of all-sky infrared satellite observations. Jeff Steward, Ionel Michael Navon, Napsu Karmitsa, and Milija Zupanski. Paper in progress, to be submitted to Monthly Weather Review . (2013)
Application of a POD-DEIM Approach for Dimension Reduction of a Diffusive Predator-Prey System with Allee effect.Gabriel Dimitriu, Ionel M. Navon and
Razvan Stefanescu, In Early View, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,LNCS 8353 Vol 42,Springer Verlag . (2014)
Parameter estimation of subsurface flow
models using Iterative Regularized Ensemble Kalman Filter.A.H. ELSheikh ,C. C. Pain ,F. Fang ,J.L.M.A. Gomes , I.M. Navon
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. Vol 27(4), pp 877-897 (2013)
A POD reduced order model for eigenvalue problems with
application to Reactor Physics. Andrew G. Buchan, C.C. Pain, F.Fang and I.M. Navon . International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
Vol 95, pp 1011-1032 (2013)
The independent set perturbation method for efficient computation of sensitivities with applications to data assimilation and a finite
element shallow water model. F. Fang ,C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon, D.G Cacuci and X. Chen
. Computers & Fluids. Vol.76 pp 33-49 (2013)
A reduced-order finite volume element formulation based on POD method and
numerical simulation for two-dimensional solute transport problems. Z.Luo,Hong Li,Ping Sun, Jing An, I.M. Navon. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.
Vol. 89, pp 50-68 (2013)
Numerical Comparison of Iterative Ensemble Kalman Filters for
Unsaturated Flow Inverse Modeling.Xuehang Song, Liangsheng Shi, Ming Ye,
Jinzhong Yang,*, and I. Michael Navon.In Early View in Vadose Zone Journal. (2013)
POD reduced-order unstructured mesh modeling applied to 2D
and 3D fluid flow.J. Du, F. Fang , C.C. Pain , I.M. Navon, J. Zhu, D.A. Ham. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol 65, pp 362--379 (2013)
Reduced order modeling based on POD of a parabolized
Navier-Stokes equations model II: Trust region POD 4D VAR data assimilation. Juan Du, I.M. Navon, Jiang Zhu, Fangxin Fang , A.K. Alekseev.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol 65, pp 380--394 (2013)
Non-Linear Petrov-Galerkin Methods for Reduced Order Modelling of the Navier-Stokes Equations using a Mixed
Finite Element Pair.D. Xiao, F. Fang, J. Du, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon,*, A.H. ElSheikh, G. Hu. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol 255,pp 147--157 (2013)
Non-Linear Petrov-Galerkin Methods for Reduced Order
Hyperbolic Equations and Discontinuous Finite Element Methods.F.Fang, C.Pain, I.M. Navon, A.H. Elsheikh, J. Du, and D.Xiao
Journal of Computational Physics., Vol 234, 1 February 2013 pp540--559 (2013)
Model Reduction of A Coupled Numerical Model Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. Xinya Li, Xiao Chen, Bill Hu and
I.M. Navon. Journal of Hydrology.,Vol. 507, 12 December 2013,
pp 227--240 (2013)
POD/DEIM Nonlinear model order reduction of an ADI
implicit shallow water equations model. Razvan Stefanescu , I.M. Navon Journal of Computational Physics. Vol 237 , pp 95--114 (2013)
Numerical Control of Two Dimensional Shock Waves in Dual Solution Domain by Instant Temperature Disturbances.
Aleksey Kirillovich Alekseev and
I.Michael Navon. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Vol 71 , pp 175--184 (2013)
LARGE-SCALE SYSTEMS WITH NON-LINEAR AND NON-SMOOTH OBSERVATION OPERATORS. Jeffrey L Steward. Doctoral thesis where I served as Major Professor. Dept of Scientific Computing. (2012)
Effect of random perturbations on adaptive
observation techniques. M. J. Hossen ,I. M. Navon and Dacian N. Daescu, International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291097-0363 Volume 69, Issue 1, pp 110-123 (2012)
Variational Data Assimilation with an Adiabatic Version of the NMC Spectral Model, I. M. Navon, X. Zou, J. Derber, and J. Sela, Monthly Weather Review,
120, No. 7, 1433-1446 (1992)
A dual weighted trust-region adaptive POD 4D-Var applied to a
Finite-Volume shallow-water Equations Model on the sphere. X. Chen, S. Akella and I. M. Navon, , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
Volume 68, 377--402 (2012)
Impact of Non-Smooth Observation Operators on Variational
and Sequential Data Assimilation for a Limited-Area Shallow Water Equations Model. J. L. Steward, I.M.Navon,M. Zupanski and N. Karmitsa.
Quart. Jour. Roy. Met Soc. , Volume 138, Issue 663, 323--339, January 2012, Part B (2012)
Reduced order modeling based on POD of a parabolized
Navier-Stokes equations model I : Forward Model. Juan Du, I.M. Navon, J.L. Steward, A.K. Alekseev and Zhendong Luo, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol 69, Issue 3, 710--730 (2012)
A reduced-order finite volume element formulation based on POD method and
numerical simulation for two-dimensional solute transport problems. Zhendong Luo,Honh LI,Ping Sun, Jing An,Ionel Michael Navon.
Accepted for publication in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, with revisions. (2012)
A Penalized 4-D Var data assimilation method for reducing forecast error related to adaptive observations. M.J. Hossen, I.M. Navon and F.Fang International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids.
Volume 70, Issue 10,1207-1220 (2012)
An optimizing implicit difference scheme based on proper
orthogonal decomposition for the two-dimensional
unsaturated soil water flow equation.Zhenhua Di , Zhendong Luo , Zhenghui Xie, Aiwen Wang and I. M. Navon,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Volume 68, pp 1324--1340 (2012)
Lecture at Collatz Center for Mathematics, Hamburg University on 4-D Var Data Assimilation.( Invited by Prof Dr Michael Hinze) Nov 28, 2012
Lecture at Collatz Center for Mathematics,Hamburg University on Reduced Order 4-D Var Data Assimilation.( Invited by Prof Dr Michael Hinze) Nov 27, 2012
The Estimation of functional uncertainty using Polynomial Chaos and adjoint equations.A.K. Alekseev, I. M. Navon, M.E. Zelentsov
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Volume 67, Issue 3, pages 328-341, ( 2011)
APPLIED TO GEOPHYSICAL DYNAMICS MODELS. Xiao Chen Doctoral thesis where I served as Major Professor. Department of Mathematics (2011)
Information Theory in Ensemble Data Assimilation: Application to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky.
M. Jardak and I. M. Navon Submitted to CAMWA (2014)
Spectral Stochastic Two-scale Convergence Method For Parabolic
PDEs.M. Jardak and I. M. Navon. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , Volume 85, Issue 7,pp
847--873, (2011)
The Independent Set Perturbation Adjoint Method: A new
method of differentiating mesh based fluids models. F.Fang,C. C. Pain, I. M. Navon, G. J. Gorman, M. D. Piggott, P. A. Allison.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Volume 66, Issue 8, pp 976-999, (2011)
An optimizing finite difference scheme based on proper
orthogonal decomposition for CVD equations.Juan Du, Jiang Zhu, Zhendong Luo and I. M. Navon
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering,Volume 27, Issue 1, 78--94 (2011)
A dual weighted trust-region adaptive POD 4D-Var applied
to a Finite -Element Shallow water Equations Model.Xiao Chen, I. M. Navon and F. Fang
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol 65, Issue 5 , pp 520--541 (2011)
A Penalized 4-D Var data assimilation method for reducing forecast
error. M. J. Hossen,I. M. Navon and D. N. Daescu, To be submitted (2010)
An estimation of the sensitivity of numerical error norm
using adjoint model
A. K. Alekseev and I. M. Navon. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume 63 ,Issue 12 , pp 1421--1434
Editorial of Special Issue of IJNMF dedicated to POD.Angelo Iollo and I. Michael Navon.In International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol 63, pp 119--120 (2010)
The Estimation of functional uncertainty using Polynomial Chaos and adjoint equations.A.K. Alekseev, I. M. Navon, M.E. Zelentsov
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Volume 67, Issue 3, pages 328-341, ( 2011)
Data assimilation for Numerical Weather
Prediction : a review. , I.M. Navon. Chapter in Springer Book entitled " Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Hydrologic Applications".
Park, Seon K., Xu, Liang(Eds), 2009, XVIII, 475 p. 326 illus., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-71055-4 (2009)
A POD goal-oriented error measure for mesh optimisation F.Fang ,C. C. Pain,I. M. Navon, G. J. Gorman, M. D. Piggott,
P. A. Allison, and A. J. H. Goddard . International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol 63 , pp 185--206 (2010)
An Equation- Free Reduced Order Modeling Approach to Tropic Pacific
, Ruiwen Wang Jiang Zhu, Zhendong Luo and I. Michael Navon,
Advances in Geosciences book series of World Scientific Publishing. Vol.12, Pages 672-688, (2009) .
An optimizing reduced PLSMFE formulation for non-stationary
conduction - convection problems.
Zhendong Luo, Jing Chen , I.M. Navon and J. Zhu
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,Volume 60 Issue 4, Pages 409 - 436 , (2009)
Different approaches to model error formulation in
4D-Var: a study with high resolution advection schemes . Santha Akella and I.M. Navon
, Tellus A . , Vol 61A, 112--128 (2009)
A POD reduced order 4D-Var adaptive mesh ocean modelling
approach F. Fang, C.C. Pain , I.M. Navon, M.D. Piggott ,
G.J. Gorman , P. E. Farrell, P. Allison, A.J.H. Goddard. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids. Volume 60, Issue 7, 709-732, 10 July 2009
Comparison of Sequential data assimilation methods for the
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation . M. Jardak , I. M. Navon and M. Zupanski
International Journal for for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Volume 62 Issue 4, 374 - 402, (2010)
Reduced order modelling of an adaptive mesh
ocean model. F. Fang, C.C. Pain , I.M. Navon, M.D. Piggott ,
G.J. Gorman , A.J.H. Goddard. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids , Volume 59, Issue 8, 827-851, 20 March 2009
Data Assimilation for Geophysical Fluids. Jacques Blum, Francois-Xavier Le Dimet,
I. Michael Navon. Chapter in Computational Methods for the Atmosphere and the Oceans, Volume 14: Special Volume of Handbook of Numerical Analysis.
R. Temam and J. Tribbia, eds. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York. Hardbound, 784 pages, publication date: NOV-2008
ISBN-13: 978-0-444-51893-4 ( Philippe G. Ciarlet, Editor). (2009)
A POD reduced order unstructured mesh ocean modelling method for moderate
Reynolds number flows.F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon,M.D. Piggott, G.J. Gorman , P. Allison , A.J.H. Goddard. Ocean Modelling,Volume 28, Issues 1-3,127--136 (2009)
Comparison of
advanced large-scale minimization
algorithms for the solution of inverse ill-posed problems Aleksey K.Alekseev,
I. M. Navon and Jeff Steward Optimization Methods and Software Vol. 24, No. 1, pp 63--87, (2009)
Criteria of optimality for sensors location based on adjoint transformation of observation data interpolation error
A.K. Alekseev and I. M. Navon. In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Vol 62, pp 74-89, (2010)
Optimal Control of a Finite-Element Limited-Area
Shallow-Water Equations Model. X. Chen and I.M. Navon. STUDIES IN INFORMATICS AND CONTROL.
,, Vol 18, No 1 , pp 41-62, (2009)
Adaptive Observations in a 4D- Var Framework Applied to the Nonlinear Burgers Equation Model. Jakir Hossen MSc Thesis, FSU, (2008)
Error estimation of goal oriented functional arising from iterative solution
of Euler Equation.
,A.K. Alekseev and I. Michael Navon,
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics , Vol 22, No 4, 221-- 228 (2008)
Adaptive observations using HSV and TESV in a 4D-Var framework with a finite volume shallow-water model.
I.M. Navon, D. N. Daescu and Yanhua Cao . ( Abstract only) Submitted for publication to Tellus . (2008)
The Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter as a non-differentiable minimization algorithm.
Milija Zupanski, I. Michael Navon, and Dusanka Zupanski.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society , Volume 134, Issue 633,April 2008 Part B,1039-1050 (2008)
A Dual-Weighted Approach to Order Reduction in 4D-Var Data
Assimilation. ,D.N. Daescu and I.M. Navon. Monthly Weather Review. Vol. 136, No. 3. , 1026--1041 (2008)
Reduced-order Observation Sensitivity
in 4D-VAR Data Assimilation. D.N. Daescu and I.M. Navon. Paper presented at American Meteorological Society 88th AMS Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA, 20-24 January 2008. (2008)
A Dual Weighted POD Approach to 4-D VAR Adaptive Mesh Ocean Modelling. F. Fang, C.C. Pain, I.M. Navon,
M.D. Piggott, G.J. Gorman, P.A. Allison and A.J.H. Goddard. Paper presented at 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, AGU, Orlando, FL,2-7 March 2008. (2008)
Lecture at Workshop on Industrial Applications of Low Order Models
Based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD). Bordeaux, France,
March 31 - April 02,2008. I.M. Navon (2008)
Mixed Finite Element Formulation and Error Estimates Based on Proper Orthogonal
Decomposition for the Non-Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations.(Abstract) Zhendong Luo,
Jing Chen , I. M. Navon and Xiaozhong Yang. SIAM Jour. Num. Anal., Vol 47, Issue 1, pp 1--19. ( 2008)
.Predictability, Observations and Uncertainties in Geosciences
,M. Zupanski and I. Michael Navon,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society , Volume 88, Issue 9 (September 2007), pp 1431-1433 , (2007)
An optimizing reduced order FDS for the tropical Pacific Ocean reduced gravity model
Zhendong Luo, Jing Chen, Jiang Zhu, R. Wang and I. M. Navon,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol 55 , 143-161, Sept 20 (2007)
Efficiency of a Pod-based reduced
second order adjoint model in 4-D VAR data assimilation.
Dacian N. Daescu and I.M. Navon
International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53, 985-1004 (2007)
Adaptive Ensemble size reduction
and inflation.
Bahri Uzunoglu, Steven J Fletcher, M. Zupanski and I.M. Navon
, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society , Vol 133, 1281-1294 (2007)
The Impact of Data Interaction on Targeted Observations
with a 4D-VAR Data Assimilation and Forecast System.( Extended Abstract) ,Dacian N Daescu, I.M. Navon, S. Akella and G. Erlebacher.
The 87th AMS Annual Meeting (San Antonio, TX),11th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS). , (2007)
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Approach and Error estimation of
Mixed finite Element Methods for the tropical Pacific Ocean Reduced Gravity Model
, Zhendong Luo, Jiang Zhu, Ruiwen Wang and I. Michael Navon,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Vol 196/41-44 ,pp 4184-4195
A reduced order approach to four-dimensional variational data
assimilation using proper orthogonal decomposition.
Yanhua Cao, Jiang Zhu, I.M. Navon and Zhendong Luo
International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids , Volume 53, Issue 10 (10 April 2007), 1571-1583 (2007)
Reduced Order Modeling of the Upper Tropical Pacific
Ocean Model Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition.
Yanhua Cao, Jiang Zhu, Zhendong Luo and I.M. Navon
Computers & Mathematics with Applications , Volume 52, Issues 8-9, 1373-1386
Adjoint a-posteriori measures for
anisotropic mesh optimization.
P.W. Power, C.C. Pain, M.D. Piggott, F. Fang, G.J.
Gorman, A.P. Umpelby, A.J.H. Goddard and I.M. Navon,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications , Volume 52, Issues 8-9, 1213-1242 (2006)
Open Boundary Control Problem for Navier Stokes Equations including a
free surface: Data Assimilation.
Y. Yu Gejadze , G.J. M. Copeland and I.M. Navon
Computers & Mathematics with Applications , Volume 52, Issues 8-9, 1269-1288 (2006)
Preface Special Issue Computers & Mathematics with Applications Beny Neta, Computers & Mathematics with Applications , Volume 52, Issues 8-9, (2006)
Dedication Special Issue Computers & Mathematics with Applications Beny Neta, Computers & Mathematics with Applications , Volume 52, Issues 8-9, (2006)
Adjoint goal-based error norms for adaptive mesh ocean modelling.
P.W. Power, C.C. Pain, M.D. Piggott, G.C. Norman, F.Fang, D.P.Marshall, A.J.H. Goddard and I.M. Navon
Ocean Modelling , Vol 15 ,3-38 (2006)
A comparative study of the performance of high resolution
advection schemes in the context of data assimilation. Santha Akella and I.M. Navon
, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , 51,. 719-748 (2006)
A Note on the Particle Filter with Posterior
Gaussian Resampling.
X. Xiong I.M. Navon and B. Uzunoglu
Tellus A , Vol 58A , 456-460(2006)
A Posteriori Error Estimation by Postprocessor Independent of Flowfield Calculation Method.
Aleksey K Alekseev and I.M. Navon ,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
,51,397-404 (2006)
Initiation of Ensemble Data
Assimilation, Milija Zupanski, Steven Fletcher, I. Michael Navon,
Bahri Uzunoglu, Ross P. Heikes, David A. Randall, and Todd D. Ringler,
Tellus A , 58A , 159-170 (2006)
A posteriori pointwise error estimation for Compressible fluid flows using adjoint parameters and Lagrange remainderAleksey Alekseev and I M. Navon, International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Fluids , 47, No. 1, 45-74 (2005)
The Impact of Background Error on Incomplete
Observations for 4D-Var Data Assimilation with
the FSU GSM. I.M. Navon , Dacian N. Daescu and Zhuo Liu
, V.S. Sunderam et al.(Eds.):Computational Science-ICCS 2005, LNCS 3515, pp 837-844. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, Volume II Applications to Large-Scale Systems.
Dan G. Cacuci, Mihaela Ionescu-Bujor, Ionel Michael Navon
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, Volume II Applications to Large-Scale Systems.
May 16, 2005 CRC Press, 368 pp (2005)
Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter: Exploiting dynamic localization of Lyapunov vectors. Milija Zupanski, Steven J Fletcher, I.M. Navon ,Bahri Uzunoglu,R.P. Heikes, T.D. Ringler and D.A. Randall, ,The AMS Ed Lorenz Symposium, 9-13 January 2005, San Diego, CA. (2005)
On a-posteriori pointwise error estimation using adjoint temperature and Lagrange remainder.
Aleksey Alekseev and I M. Navon Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering ,194/18-20 ,2211-2228 (2005)
Adjoint Correction and Bounding of Error Using Lagrange Form of
Truncation Term .
Aleksey K Alekseev and I.M. Navon ,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications ,50,1311-1332 (2005)
Analysis of the singular vectors of the full-physics
Florida State University Global Spectral Model.
Zhijin Li, I.M. Navon and M. Y. Hussaini,Tellus , Vol. 57A , 560-574 (2005)
Data assimilation of three-dimensional free surface flows using an adaptive adjoint model Data.
Unstructured finite element meeting in Germany (2005)
Lecture at University of Maryland.
Adjoint Error Correction (2005)
A Perfectly Matched Layer Formulation for the Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations Models: The Split Equation
Approach, FSU-CSIT-01-41, Technical Report Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 2001, I.M. Navon, Beny Neta and M. Y. Hussaini (2001)
A perfectly matched layer approach to the linearized shallow water equations models, I.M. Navon, Beny Neta and M. Y. Hussaini, Monthly Weather Review , 132, No 6, 1369-1378 (2004)
Adaptive observations in the context of 4D-Var data assimilation, Dacian N Daescu and I. M. Navon,
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (2004) , 85, 205-226 (2004). The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.com.
Documentation of the TLM and adjoint
models of the Lin-Rood spherical shallow water finite volume model,
Santha Akella and I M. Navon (2004)
Numerical and theoretical considerations for sensitivity calculation of discontinuous flow. Chris Homescu and I. M. Navon
Systems & Control Letters, 48, No.3 , 97-104(2003)
Improved Skill for the Anomaly Correlation of Geopotential Height at 500 hPa. T.N. Krishnamurti, K. Rajendran,T.S.V. Vijaya Kumar,Stephen Lord, Zoltan Toth, Xiaolei Zou, I. Michael Navon and Jon Ahlquist Monthly Weather Review , 131, 1082-1102 (2003)
Documentation of the Tangent Linear and Adjoint
Models of New MPI Version of the FSU Global Spectral Model. Zhuo Liu and I. Michael Navon, Technical Report (2002)
Truncated-Newton Training Algorithm for Neurocomputational Viscoplastic Model M.S Al-Haik,
H. Garmestani and I. M. Navon Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 192, 2249-2267 (2003)
Optimal Control of Cylinder Wakes via Suction and Blowing. Zhijin Li, I. Michael Navon, M.Y. Hussaini and F.X. Le Dimet Computers \& Fluids , 32, Issue 2, 149-171 (2003)
On adjoint variables for discontinuous flow, Aleksey
K.Alekseev and I. M. Navon CSIT Technical Report (2002)
The GEOS Retrospective Data Assimilation System: The 6 hour lag case Yanqiu Zhu , Ricardo Todling , Jing Guoy,
Stephen E. Cohn, I. Michael Navon and Yan Yang Monthly Weather Review, 131, No. 9, 2129-2150 (2003)
Performance of Enriched Methods for Large Scale Unconstrained Optimization as applied to Models of Proteins B. Das, H. Meirovitch, and I. M. Navon ,
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 24, No. 10, 1222-1231 (2003)
Optimal control of flow with discontinuities
Chris Homescu and I. M. Navon, Journal of Computational Physics, 187, 660-682 (2003)
Calculation of Uncertainty Propagation Using Adjoint Equations, Aleksey K.Alekseev and I. M. Navon International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics , 17, No. 4, 283-288 (2003)
Editorial of Special Issue of IJCFD where
I served as Guest Editor, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics , 17, No. 4, 231-233 (2003)
An Analysis of a Hybrid Optimization method for variational data assimilation, Dacian Daescu and I. M. Navon
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 17, No. 4, 299-306 (2003)
PhD Thesis of Dr Chris Homescu, Dept of Mathematics
Optimal Control Of Continuous and Discontinuous Flow. (2003)
Fully 3 dimensional unstructured mesh ocean modelling, Chris Pain et al., (2003)
Suppression of Vortex Shedding for Flow Around a Circular Cylinder Using Optimal Control Chris Homescu, I.M.Navon and
Zhijin Li International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , 38, Issue 1 , 43-69 (2002)
On Estimation of Temperature Uncertainty Using
the Second Order Adjoint Problem Aleksey K.Alekseev and Michael I.Navon International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics , 16 (2),
113-117 (2002)
Second Order Information in Data Assimilation Francois X. Le Dimet,
I. M. Navon and Dacian N. Daescu Monthly Weather Review, 130, No. 3 , 629-648 (2002)
Adaptive observations in the context of 4D-Var
data assimilation Dacian N Daescu and I. M. Navon Graphics for Lecture at EGS Meeting, Nice, April 23, 2002
The Analysis of an Ill-Posed Problem Using
Multi-Scale Resolution and Second-Order Adjoint Techniques I. M. Navon and A.K. Alekseev Lecture at Workshop: Data Assimilation in the
Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, April 29-May 3, 2002 Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis
Optimality of 4D-Var and its relationship with the Kalman filter and Kalman smoother. Zhijin Li and I.
Michael Navon, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 127, No. 572 - January 2001 Part B,
661-684 (2001)
Four- dimensional variational data assimilation with a diabatic version of the NCEP global spectral model: System development and preliminary results. Zou, X., H. Liu, J. Derber, J.G. Sela,
R. Treadon, I.M. Navon, and B. Wang, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 127, 1095-1122.(2001)
The Analysis of an Ill-Posed Problem
Using Multiscale Resolution and Second Order Adjoint Techniques Aleksey K. Alekseev and I.M. Navon Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering , 190, Nos. 15-17 , 1937-1953 (2001)
Mesh refinement Strategies for Solving Singularly Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion Problems W. Castaings and I. M. Navon Computers & Mathematics with
Applications , 41, Issue 1-2 , 157-176 (2001)
Performance of 4D-Var with Different Strategies for the Use of Adjoint Physics with the FSU Global Spectral Model Zhijin Li , I.
Michael Navon and Yanqiu Zhu Monthly Weather Review , 128, No.3, 668-688 (2000)
Use of Differentiable and Non-Differentiable Optimization Algorithms for Variational Data Assimilation with Discontinuous Cost
Functions S. Zhang, X Zou, J Ahlquist, I.M. Navon and J.G. Sela, Monthly Weather Review , 128, No. 12 , 4031-4044 (2000)
Documentation of the Multi-tasked Tangent Linear and Adjoint Models of the Adiabatic Version of the NASA GEOS-2 GCM (Version 6.5)
Yan Yang, I.M.Navon and R. Todling (1999)
Sensitivity to Large-Scale Environmental
Fields of the Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert Parametrization in the NASA GEOS-1 GCM. Yan Yang, I.M. Navon,R. Todling and W. Yang, Monthly
Weather Review, 127, No. 10, 2359-2378 (1999)
Study of Block Onset Using Sensitivity
Perturbations in Climatological Flows. Zhijin Li , Albert Barcilon and I.M.Navon Monthly Weather Review , 127, No.5,
Performance of Efficient Minimization Algorithms as Applied to Models of Peptides and Proteins C. Baysal, H. Meirovitch and I. M.
Navon Journal of Computational Chemistry , 20, No. 3, 354-364 (1999)
Global uniformly convergent finite element methods for singularly perturbed elliptic boundary value problems:
higher-order elements Jichun Li and I.M. Navon, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 171, No. 1-2, 1-23
A Global Uniformly Convergent Finite Element Method for a Quasilinear Singularly
Perturbed Elliptic Problem Jichun Li, I. M. Navon, Computers and Mathematics with Applications ,38, No. 5-6,
197-206 (1999)
Impact of parameter estimation on the performance of the FSU Global Spectral Model using its full physics adjoint Zhu Yanqiu and I.M.Navon
Monthly Weather Review , 127, No.7 , 1497-1517 (1999)
Sensitivity Analysis of Outgoing Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere in the NCEP/MRF Model, Z. Li, I. M. Navon,
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres , 103, No. D4, 3801-3814 (1998)
Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Adjoint
Parameter Estimation and Identifiability in Meteorology and Oceanography, I. M. Navon, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans.
Special Issue in honor of Richard Pfeffer , 27, Nos.1-4 , 55-79 (1998)
Uniformly convergent finite element methods for
singularly perturbed elliptic boundary value problems: convection-diffusion type Jichun Li and I.M.Navon Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering , 162, Nos. 1-4, 49-78 (1998)
Uniformly convergent finite element methods for singularly perturbed elliptic boundary value problems I: reaction-diffusion
type Jichun Li and I.M. Navon Computers & Mathematics with applications , 35, Issue 3, 57-70 (1998)
FSU-GSM Forecast
Error Sensitivity to Initial Conditions: Application to Indian Summer Monsoon Yanqiu Zhu and I. M. Navon
, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics , 68, No. 1-2 , 35-41 (1998)
Department of Mathematics, FSU, (1998)
Application of a New Adjoint Newton Algorithm to the 3-D ARPS Storm Scale Model Using Simulated Data , Z. Wang, K.K.
Droegemeier, L. White, I. M. Navon, Monthly Weather Review , 125, No. 10, 2460-2478 (1997)
Analysis of the Turkel-Zwas scheme for the two-dimensional shallow water equations in spherical coordinates, B. Neta, F.X. Giraldo,I. M. Navon, Journal of Computational Physics , 133, 102-112 (1997)
Documentation of the Tangent Linear and Adjoint Models of the Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert Moisture Parametrization Package of the NASA GEOS-1 GCM Weiyu Yang, I. Michael Navon, and Ricardo Todling Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data assimilation. Volume 11, Max Suarez Editor. NASA Technical
Memorandum 104606, 37 (1997)
A New Hessian Preconditioning Method Applied to Variational Data Assimilation Experiments Using Adiabatic Version of NASA/GEOS-1
GCM, W. Yang, I. M. Navon, P. Courtier, Monthly Weather Review , 124, No. 5, 1000-1017 (1996)
The Linearization and Adjoint of Radiation Transfer Processes in
the NMC Spectral Model Part I: Solar Radiative Transfer, J. Zou and I.
M. Navon,
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol 58,193-203 (1996)
Documentation of the Tangent Linear Model and Its Adjoint of the Adiabatic Version of the NASA GEOS-1 C-Grid GCM
(Version 5.2) Weiyu Yang and I. Michael Navon Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data assimilation. Volume 8, Max Suarez Editor. NASA Technical
Memorandum 104606 , 61 (1996)