Dr. I. Michael Navon

Professor of Mathematics,
School of Computational Science and
Department of Mathematics,
Florida State University

Program Director,
Optimization and Optimal Control


I.M. Navon and Z. Alperson, "Application of Fourth-Order Finite-Differences to a Baroclinic Model of the Atmosphere", Arch. fur Meteorologie and Geophysik. Biokl. Ser. A, 27, 1-19(1978)

I.M. Navon, "Application of a New Partly Implicit Time-Differencing Scheme for Solving the Shallow-Water Equations", Beitrage fur Physic der Atmosphere, 51, (1978) 281-305

I.M. Navon, "ADI Solution of the Inverse Balance Equation over a Non-Rectangular Domain", Arch. fur Meteorologie Geophysik. Biokl., Ser. A, 28, (1979) 39-52

I. M. Navon, "Finite Element Simulation of the Shallow-Water Equations Model on a Limited-Area Domain", Appl. Math. Modeling, 3, (1979) 337-348

I.M. Navon and U. Muller, "FESW - A Finite-Element FORTRAN IV Program for Solving the Shallow-Water Equations", Advances in Engineering Software, 1, (1979) 77-86

I.M. Navon, "ADIF, a Fortran IV Program for Solving the Shallow-Water Equations", Computers and Geosciences, 5, (1979) 19-39

I.M. Navon and H.A. Riphagen, "An Implicit Compact Fourth-Order Algorithm for Solving the Shallow-Water Equations in Conservation Law Form", Monthly Weather Review, 107, (1979) 1107-1127

I.M. Navon, "A Fourth-Order Compact Implicit Scheme for Solving the Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations in Conservation Law Form", in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Dynamics, 2, eds. Hirschel, (Vieweg, GAMM- Geselfschaft fur Algemeine Mathematik und Mechanik), (1980) 211-220

G. Fairweather and I.M. Navon, "A Linear ADI Method for the Shallow-Water Equations",J. Comp. Phys., 37, (1980) 1-18

I.M. Navon, "Implementation of 'A Posteriori' Methods for Enforcing Conservation of Potential Enstrophy and Mass in Discretized Shallow-Water Equations Models", Monthly Weather Review, 109, (1981) 946-958

I.M. Navon, "'A Posteriori' Numerical Techniques for Enforcing Simultaneous Conservation of the Integral Invariants", in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 5, Eds. Henri Viviand, Geselfschaft fur Algemeine Mathematik und Mechanik, Vieweg, (1982) 230-241

I.M. Navon and R. de Villiers, "Combined Penalty Multiplier Optimization Methods to Enforce Integral Invariants Conservation", Monthly Weather Review, 111, (1983) 1228-1243

I.M. Navon, "A Numerov-Galerkin Technique Applied to a Finite-Element Shallow-Water Equations Model with Enforced Conservation of Integral Invariants and Selective Lumping", Journal of Computational Physics, 52, (1983) 313-339

I.M. Navon and F.H.M. Semazzi, "A Comparison of the Bounded-Derivative and the Normal Mode Initialization Methods Using Real Data", Monthly Weather Review,114, (1986) 2106-2121

I.M. Navon and R. de Villiers, "GUSTAF: A Quasi-Newton Nonlinear ADI FORTRAN IV Program for Solving the Shallow-Water Equations with Augmented Lagrangians", Computers and Geosciences, 12, (1986) 151-173

I.M. Navon and H. Riphagen, "SHALL4, A FORTRAN IV Compact Fourth-Order Implicit Program for Solving the Shallow-Water Equations in Conservation Law-Form", Computers and Geosciences, 12, (1986) 129-150

I.M. Navon and R. de Villiers, "The Application of the Turkel-Zwas Explicit Large Time Step Scheme to a Hemispheric Barotropic Model with Constraint Restoration, "Monthly Weather Review, 115, No. 5, (1987) 1036-1051

I.M. Navon, "FEUDX: A Two-stage High Accuracy Finite Element FORTRAN Program for Solving the Shallow Water Equations", Computers and Geosciences, 13, (1987) 255-285

I.M. Navon, "PENT: A Periodic Cyclic Pentadiagonal System Solver", Communications in Numerical Methods, 3, (1987) 63-69

I.M. Navon and D.M. Legler, "Conjugate-Gradient Methods for Large-Scale Minimization in Meteorology", Monthly Weather Review, 115, (1987) 1479-1502

I.M. Navon, "The Bayliss-Isaacson Algorithm and the Constraint Restoration Method are Equivalent", Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 13, (1987)143-152

B. Neta and I.M. Navon, "The Transfer Function Analysis of the Turkel-Zwas Scheme for the Shallow-Water Equations", Journal of Computational Physics, 81(2), (1989) 277-300

D.M. Legler, I.M. Navon and J.J. O'Brien, "Objective Analysis of Pseudo-Stress Over the Indian Ocean Using a Direct Minimization Approach", Monthly Weather Review, 117, (1989) 709-720

D.H. Robertson, B.F. Brown, and I.M. Navon, "Determination of the Structure of Mixed Argon-Xenon Clusters Using a Finite-Temperature, Lattice Based Monte-Carlo Method", Journal of Chemical Physics, 90(6), (1989) 3221-3229

J. Steppeler, I.M. Navon and H.-I. Lu, "Finite-Element Schemes for Extended Integrations of Atmospheric Models", Journal of Computational Physics, 89, (1990) 95-124

I.M. Navon, P.K.H. Phua and M. Ramamurthy, "Vectorization of Conjugate-Gradient Methods for Large-Scale Minimization", Journal of Optimization Theory and its Applications, 66(1), (1990) 71-94

I.M. Navon, F. Brown and D.H. Robertson, "Combined Simulated-Annealing and Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Methods for Determining Structure of Mixed Argon- Xenon Molecular Clusters", Computers and Chemistry, 14(4), (1990) 305-311

D.M. Legler and I.M. Navon, "VARIATM - A Fortran Code for Objective Analysis of Pseudo-Stress with Large-scale Conjugate-Gradient Minimization", Computers and Geosciences, 17(1), (1991) 1-21

I.M.Navon and J. Yu, "EXSHALL-A Turkel-Zwas Large-Time Step Explicit Fortran Program for Solving the Shallow-Water Equations on the Sphere", Computers and Geosciences, 17, No 9, (1991) 1311-1343

I.M.Navon, X. Zou, J. Derber and J. Sela, "Variational Data Assimilation with the N.M.C. Spectral Model. Part 1 : Adiabatic Model Tests", Monthly Weather Review, 120, No 7, (1992) 1433-1446

Richard Pffefer, I.M. Navon and X. Zou, "Comparison of the Impact of Two Time-Differencing Schemes on the NASA/GLA Climate Model", Monthly Weather Review, 120, No 7, (1992) 1381-1393

X. Zou, I.M. Navon and F.X. LeDimet, , "Incomplete Observations and Control of Gravity Waves in Variational Data Assimilation", Tellus, 44A, No 4 273-296 (1992)

M.K. Ramamurthy and I.M. Navon, "The Conjugate-Gradient Variational Analysis and Initialization Method: An Application to MONEX SOP-2 Data", Monthly Weather Review, 120, No 10, (1992) 2360-2377

Z. Wang, I.M. Navon, F.X. LeDimet and X. Zou, "The Second Order Adjoint Analysis: Theory and Application", Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics , 50, (1992) 3-20

X. Zou, I.M.Navon and F.X. LeDimet, "An Optimal Nudging Data Assimilation Scheme Using Parameter Estimation", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 118, (1992) 1163-1186

X. Zou, I.M. Navon and J. Sela, "Control of Gravity Oscillations in Variational Data Assimilation", Monthly Weather Review, 121, No. 1, (1993) 272-289

I. M. Navon and Yihong Cai, "Domain Decomposition and Parallel Processing of a Finite-Element Model of the Shallow-Water Equations", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 106, No 1-2, (1993) 179-212

X. Zou, I. M. Navon and J. Sela, "Variational Data Assimilation with Moist Threshold Processes Using the NMC Spectral Model", Tellus, 45A, (1993) 370-387

Yong Li, I. M. Navon, Philippe Courtier and Pierre Gauthier , "Variational Data Assimilation with a Semi-Implicit Semi-Lagrangian Global Shallow-Water Equations Model and its Adjoint", Monthly Weather Review, 121, No 6, (1993) 1759-1769

X. Zou, I.M. Navon, M Berger, M.K. Phua, T. Schlick and F.X. LeDimet, "Numerical Experience with Limited-Memory, Quasi-Newton Methods for Large-Scale Unconstrained Nonlinear Minimization", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 3, No 3, (1993) 582-608

X.Zou, I.M.Navon, A Barcilon, Jeff Whittaker and Dan Cacuci, "An Adjoint Sensitivity Study of Blocking in a Two-Layer Isentropic Model", Monthly Weather Review, 121, No 10, (1993) 2833-2857

Yong Li, I.M.Navon, W. Yang, X.Zou J.R. Bates, S.Moorthi, R.W. Higgins", 4-D Variational Data Assimilation Experiments with a Multilevel Semi-Lagrangian Semi-Implicit GCM", Monthly Weather Review, 122, No 5, (1994) 966-983

K. Zhu, I.M.Navon and X. Zou, " Variational Data Assimilation Experiments with Variable Resolution Finite-Element Shallow-Water Equations Model", Monthly Weather Review, 122, No 5, (1994) 946-965

Zhi Wang, I. M. Navon, X. Zou and F.X. Le Dimet, "A Truncated -Newton Optimization Algorithm in Meteorology Applications with Analytic Hessian/vector Products", Computational Optimization and Applications, 4, (1995) 241-262

Yihong Cai and I.M.Navon, "Parallel Block Preconditioning Techniques for the Numerical Simulation of Shallow-Water Flow Using Finite-Element Methods", Journal of Computational Physics, 122, No 1, November 1995, (1995) 39-50

J. Zou, W.W. Hsieh and I.M.Navon, "Sequential open Boundary Control by data Assimilation in a Limited Area Model", Monthly Weather Review, 123, No 9., (1995) 2899-2909

J. Zou and I.M.Navon, "The development and verification of the adjoint of radiation transfer Process in the NMC spectral model. Part 1: Solar Radiative Transfer.", Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 58, 1-4, (1996) 193-203

Weiyu Yang, I.M.Navon and Philippe Courtier, "A New Hessian Preconditioning Method Applied to Variational Data Assimilation Experiments using Adiabatic Version of NASA/GEOS-1 GCM", Monthly Weather Review, 124, No 5, (1996) 1000-1017

B. Neta, F Giraldo and I.M.Navon, "Analysis of the Turkel-Zwas Scheme for the Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations in Spherical Coordinates", , Journal of Computational Physics, 133, (1997) 102-112.

Zhi Wang, Kelvin K. Droegemeier, L. White and I.M.Navon, "Application of a New Adjoint Newton Algorithm to the 3-D ARPS Storm Scale Model Using Simulated Data", Monthly Weather Review, 125, No 10, (1997) 2460-2478

I.M.Navon, "Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Adjoint Parameter Estimation and Identifiability in Meteorology and Oceanography", Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. Special Issue in honor of Richard Pfeffer, 27 nos 1-4, (1998) 55

Zhijin Li and I.M.Navon, "Sensitivity Analysis of outgoing radiation at the top of the Atmosphere in the NCEP/MRF model", Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 103, No D4, (1998) 3801-3814

Jichun Li and I.M. Navon, "Uniformly convergent finite element methods for singularly perturbed elliptic boundary value problems I: reaction-diffusion type", Computers & Mathematics with Applications- , Vol 35, Issue 3, (1998) 57-70

Jichun Li and I.M. Navon, "Uniformly convergent finite element methods for singularly perturbed elliptic boundary value problems II: Convection-Diffusion type", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 162, Nos 1-4, (1998) 49-78

Yanqiu Zhu and I.M. Navon, " FSU-GSM Forecast Error Sensitivity to Initial Conditions: Application to Indian Summer Monsoon", Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol 68, No. 1-2, (1998) 35-41

Zhijin Li, Albert Barcilon and I. M. Navon, "Study of Block Onset Using Sensitivity Perturbations in Climatological Flows", Monthly Weather Review, Vol 127, No 5, (1999) 879-900

Yanqiu Zhu and I. M. Navon, "Impact of Key Parameters Estimation on the Performance of the FSU Spectral Model using the Full Physics Adjoint", Monthly Weather Review, Vol 127, No 7, (1999) 1497-1517

Jichun Li and I. M. Navon, "A Global Uniformly Convergent Finite Element Method for a Quasi-linear Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Problem", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol 38, No 5-6, (1999) 197-206

Jichun Li and I. M. Navon, " Global Uniformly Convergent Finite Element Methods for Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Boundary value problems: Higher-Order Elements.", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 171/1-2 , (1999) 1-23

C Baysal, H Meirovitch and I.M.Navon, " Performance of Efficient Optimization Algorithms on Local Potential Energy Minimization of Peptides", Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol 20 No. 3, (1999) 354-364

Yan Yang, I.M.Navon, Ricardo Todling and Weiyu Yang, " Sensitivity to Large Scale Environmental Fields of the Relaxed Arakawa Schubert Parameterization in the NASA GEOS-1 GCM", Monthly Weather Review, Vol 127, No. 10, (1999) 2359-2378

Zhijin Li I.M.Navon and Y. Zhu, "Performance of 4D-Var Strategies Using the FSU Global Spectral Model with its Full Physics Adjoint", Monthly Weather Review, Vol 128, No.3, (2000) 668-688

S. Zhang, X Zou, J Ahlquist, I.M. Navon and J.G. Sela, "Use of Differentiable and Non-Differentiable Optimization Algorithms for Variational Data Assimilation with Discontinuous Cost Functions", Monthly Weather Review, 128, No. 12, (2000) 4031-4044

Zhijin Li and I. M. Navon, "Optimality of 4D-Var and its relationship with the Kalman filter and Kalman smoother", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 127, No. 572 - January 2001 Part B, (2001) 661-684

Aleksey K. Alekseev and I.M.Navon, "The Analysis of an Ill-Posed Problem Using Multiscale Resolution and Second Order Adjoint Techniques", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190, Issue 15-17, (2001) 1937-1953

W. Castaings and I. M. Navon, "Mesh refinement Strategies for Solving Singularly Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion Problems", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol 41 Issue 1-2 (2001), 157-176

X. Zou, H. Liu, J. Derber, J. G. Sela, R. Treadon, I. M. Navon, and B. Wang, "Four-dimensional variational data assimilation with a diabatic version of the NCEP global spectral model: System development and preliminary results", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society., 127 (573) Part A APR 2001 , (2001) 1095-1122

Christian Homescu, I.M. Navon and Z. Li, "Optimal control of Flow around a rotating cylinder", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume 8, Issue 1 (2002) 43-69

Aleksey K.Alekseev and I. Michael Navon, "On Estimation of Temperature Uncertainty Using the Second Order Adjoint Problem", The International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 16 (2), (2002) 113-117

Francois X. Le Dimet, I. M. Navon and Dacian N. Daescu, "Second Order Information in Data Assimilation", Monthly Weather Review, 130,No.3 , (2002) 629-648

Zhijin Li, I.M.Navon, M.Y. Hussaini and F. X. Le Dimet, "Optimal Control of Cylinder Wakes via Suction and Blowing", Computers & Fluids , Volume 32, Issue 2, (2003) 149-171

Chris Homescu and I. M. Navon, " Numerical and theoretical considerations for sensitivity calculation of discontinuous flow", Systems & Control Letters on Optimization and Control of Distributed Systems, Vol 48/3, (2003) 253-260

T.N. Krishnamurti, K. Rajendran, Stephen Lord, X. Zou, I. Michael Navon, John Ahlquist and Steven Cocke, "Anomaly correlations at 500mb", Monthly Weather Review, 131, (2003) 1082-1102

Yanqiu Zhu , Ricardo Todling , Jing Guoy, Stephen E. Cohn, I. Michael Navon and Yan Yang, "The GEOS Retrospective Data Assimilation System: The 6 hour lag case" Monthly Weather Review , 131, No. 9, (2003) 2129-2150

Chris Homescu and I. M. Navon, "Optimal control of flow with discontinuities", Journal of Computational Physics , 187, (2003) 660-682

Das, Bedamati, , Meirovitch, Hagai and Navon, Ionel Michael, "Performance of Enriched Methods for Large Scale Unconstrained Optimization as applied to Models of Proteins", Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 24, No. 10, (2003) 1222-1231

Daescu, Dacian Nicolae and Navon, Ionel Michael, "An analysis of a hybrid optimization method for variational data assimilation", International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 17 (4), (2003) 299-306

Aleksey K.Alekseev and I. M. Navon, "Calculation of Uncertainty Propagation Using Adjoint Equations", International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics , Vol. 17 (4), (2003) 283-288

Al-Haik, Marwan H. Garmestani and Navon, Ionel Michael, "Truncated-Newton Training Algorithm for Neurocomputational Viscoplastic Model", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192 , (2003) 2249-2267

I.M. Navon, Beny Neta and M. Y. Hussaini, "A perfectly matched layer formulation for the linearized shallow water equation models: The split equation approach", Monthly Weather Review, 132,No 6, (2004) 1369-1378

Zhijin Li, I.M.Navon and M. Y. Hussaini, "Analysis of the singular vectors of the full-physics FSU Global Spectral Model", In press in Tellus , (2004)

Zhuo Liu ,I.M.Navon and Dacian Daescu, "Impact of background error on incomplete observations for 4-D VAR data assimilation with the FSU GSM", Accepted for publication in Tellus with revisions, (2004)

Daescu, Dacian Nicolae and Navon, I.M. "Adaptive observations in the context of 4D-Var data assimilation", Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 85, (2004) 205-226

Alekseev, Aleksey K. and Navon, Ionel Michael", Comparison of advanced large-scale minimization algorithms for solving inverse problems", Submitted to Computational Optimization and Applications, (2004)

Aleksey Alekseev and I M. Navon , "On a-posteriori pointwise error estimation using adjoint temperature and Lagrange remainder", In Press with Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, (2004)

A.K. Alekseev and I. M. Navon, "Refinement of A Posteriori pointwise Error Estimation for Compressible Fluid Flows using adjoint parameters and Lagrange remainder", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , 47(1), (2005) 45-74

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