Dr. I. Michael Navon
Professor of Mathematics, School of Computational Science and Department of Mathematics, Florida State University
Program Director, Optimization and Optimal Control

Chapters in books
- I.M. Navon, "Inclusion of Lateral Viscosity and the Application of a Matsuno Scheme in A Two-level Model of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere", in: Numerical Studies of Planetary Circulation of the Atmosphere, eds. A. Huss, (Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, EOAR, (1971) 67-146
- I.M. Navon, "Conservation-Laws in Fluid Dynamics and the Enforcement of their Preservation in Numerical Discretizations", in: "Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Theory Tools and Case Studies, September 1983
International Series on Numerical Mathematics, 66, Birkhauser, (1983) 286-341 (341 pages)
- I.M. Navon, "A Review of Variational and Optimization Methods in Meteorology",
(1986) in Festive Volume of the International Symposium on Variational Methods
in Geosciences (Y.K. Sasaki, Ed.), Elsevier Science Pub. Co. Developments in
Geo-mathematics, Vol. 5, 29-34, 1986, 300 pages
- I.M. Navon, "FEUDX - A High Accuracy Finite Element FORTRAN Program for
Solving the Shallow-Water Equations", in: Envirosoft '86, eds. P. Zannetti, (Computational Mechanics Publications, Boston and Los Angeles, 1986) 484-502 (809 pages)
- I.M. Navon, "A Review of Finite-Element Methods For Solving the Shallow-Water
Equations", in: Computer Modelling in Ocean Engineering, eds. B.A. Schrefler and O.C. Zienkiewicz, (A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam and Brookfield, (1988), pp 273-279 (727 pages)
- I.M. Navon, X. Zou, M. Berger, P.K.H. Phua, T.Schlick and F.X.Le Dimet, "Numerical experience with Limited Memory Quasi-Newton and truncated Newton Methods", Optimization Techniques and Applications, Vol 1, Edited by K.H. Phua et al. World Scientific Publishing Co., 1232 pages pp 33-48,1992
- I.M. Navon, X. Zou, M. Berger, P.K.H. Phua, T.Schlick and F.X.Le Dimet, "Testing for Reliability and Robustness of Optimization Codes for Large Scale Optimization Problems", Optimization Techniques and Applications, Vol 1, Edited by K.H. Phua et al. World Scientific Publishing Co., 1232 pages pp 445-480 ,1992
- X. Zou and I. M. Navon, "Variational Data Assimilation: Some Aspects of Theory and Application", in: Environmental Modeling, Volume II, Computer Methods and Software for Simulating Environmental Pollution and its Adverse Effects. P. Zannetti (Ed) , ( Failure Analysis Associates Inc, California, USA. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton and Boston, (1994) 277-325, 350pp
- Y. Cai and I.M. Navon, "Iterative Domain Decomposition Algorithms: Theory
and Applications", in: High Performance Computing in the Geosciences, eds. F.X. Le Dimet, (NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Centre de Physique, Les Houches, France, 21-25 June 1993, NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series : C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences ,Vol 462, Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V., (1995 ) 81-106, 284pp
- I.M.Navon, "Variational Data Assimilation, Optimal Parameter Estimation and
Sensitivity Analysis for Environmental Problems", Computational Mechanics '95, Vol 1, Atluri, Yagawa and Cruse Eds., Springer Verlag, (1995) 740-746
- I.M.Navon, "Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Adjoint Parameter Estimation
in Meteorology and Oceanography", Computational Mechanics. Third Asian-Pacific Conference. Sept 1996, Seoul, Korea, Choi, Yun and Lee Eds., Techno-Press, (1996) pp1777-1785
- D. G. Cacuci, M. Ionescu-Bujor, and I. M. Navon, "Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, Application to Large Scale Systems", Volume II,
Chapman /& Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Fla, USA, 2005
- J. Blum, Francois-Xavier Le Dimet, I. M. Navon, "Chapter in Computational Methods for the Atmosphere and the Oceans, Volume 14: Special Volume
of Handbook of Numerical Analysis." R. Temam and J. Tribbia, eds. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York. Hardbound, 784 pages, publication date: NOV-2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-444-51893-4 ( Philippe G. Ciarlet, Editor). (2009)
- I.M.Navon, " Data assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction : a review." , Chapter in Springer Book entitled " Data Assimilation
for Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Hydrologic Applications". Park, Seon K., Xu, Liang(Eds), 2009, XVIII, 475 p. 326 illus., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-71055-4 (2009)
- Dan G. Cacuci, Ionel Michael Navon, and Mihaela Ionescu-Bujor "Computational Methods for Data Evaluation and Assimilation." 373 Pages | 1 Illustrations ,
Chapman /& Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Fla, USA (2013)
- D.N. Daescu and I.M. Navon "Sensitivity Analysis in Nonlinear Variational Data Assimilation: Theoretical Aspects and Applications." Chapter in Bentham book entitled " Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models:
Needs and Availability. Istvan Farago and Zahari Zlatev (Editors), Bentham Science Publishers, Published December 2013,ISBN: 978-1-60805-777-1 (2013)
- F.X Le Dimet, I.M. Navon and R Stefanescu " Variational Data Assimilation: Optimization and Optimal Control " , Chapter in Springer Book entitled " Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. III)". Park, Seon K., Xu, Liang(Eds), 2016, i-xxxvi, 553 p. 553 ,Print ISBN 978-3-319-43414-8 (2016)
