
latex_src, documents written in the Latex text processing language.

  1. careers_2025_pitt.html, "Careers for Mathematics PhD's", a presentation on career options, made to the Math 1080 Numerical Linear Algebra class, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, 10 March 2025.

  2. monte_carlo_simulation_2024_pitt.html, "Simulation with the Monte Carlo method", John Burkardt, Jeff Wheeler's Big Problems class, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, 09 February 2024.
  3. math3304_2024_mst.html, "Eat or be Eaten: Models of Population Growth and Competition", John Burkardt, Yanzi Zhang's Elementary Differential Equations class, Department of Mathematics, Missouri University of Science and Techology, Sceduled for 02/04/09/11 April 2024.

  4. midpoint_2023_denver.html, "A Midpoint Stress Test", Catalin Trenchea, Wenlong Pei, John Burkardt, Secret Planning Conference, Denver, Colorado, 28 October 2023.
  5. careers_2023_mst.html, "Careers for Mathematics and Statistics Graduates", a presentation on career options, made to graduate students in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Missouri University of Science and Technology, 16 October 2023.
  6. careers_2023_pitt.html, "Careers for Mathematics PhD's", a presentation on career options, made to the incoming graduate student class, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, 25 August 2023.
  7. infinity_2023_pitt.html, "The Capture of Infinity", John Burkardt, Student Mathematics Club, University of Pittsburgh, 11 April 2023,

  8. midpoint_2022_vt.html, "The Halfway Way: A Fresh Look at the Midpoint Method", Catalin Trenchea, Wenlong Pei, John Burkardt, ICAM Conference on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Honoring Terry Herdman on his retirement, Virginia Tech, 01-03 June 2022.
  9. t_puzzle_2022_pitt.html, "Cracking the Humpty Dumpty Case: Rebuilding Broken Objects with Linear Algebra", John Burkardt, University of Pittsburgh Mathematics Club, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, 02 March 2022.
  10. t_puzzle_2022_upg.html, "Cracking the Humpty Dumpty Case", John Burkardt, AMCUS, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, 09 April 2022.
  11. t_puzzle_2022_vt.html, "How to make T when Ax=b: Putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again", John Burkardt, ICAM Conference on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Virginia Tech, 01 June 2022.

  12. mesh_2021_pitt.html, "This is a fine mesh you've gotten me into", John Burkardt, Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, 16 November 2021.
  13. eternity_2021_draft.html, "The Eternity Puzzle: A Linear Algebraic Approach", John Burkardt, Marcus Garvie, Draft report, 28 March 2021.

  14. polyominoes_2018_pitt.html, "The Shattered Urn: Rebuilding Objects with Linear Algebra", John Burkardt, Numerical Mathematics Colloquium, University of Pittsburgh, 20 November 2018.
  15. polyominoes_2018_sc.html, "The Shattered Urn: Rebuilding Objects with Linear Algebra", John Burkardt, SIAM Graduate Colloquium, University of South Carolina, 13 November 2018.
  16. polyominoes_2018_upg.html, "The Shattered Urn: Rebuilding Objects with Linear Algebra", John Burkardt, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, 15 November 2018.

  17. mesh_2017_vt.html, "My face is a mesh!", John Burkardt, Introduction to Mathematical Problem Solving, Virginia Tech, 12 December 2017.

  18. ct_bars_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Bar Charts", discussing the creation of bar charts of data using the online program Plotly, intended for the class "Computational Thinking", for the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, 2016.
  19. ct_chance_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Chance, Choice, and Change", discussing the computational study of chance and probability, for the class "Computational Thinking", for the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  20. ct_clustering_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Clustering", notes for the class "Computational Thinking", taught in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  21. ct_codes_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Codes", notes discussing how a computer uses codes to store data, for the class "Computational Thinking", taught in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  22. ct_compression_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Compression", notes on how a computer compresses data, intended for the class "Computational Thinking", for the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  23. ct_cryptography_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Cryptography", notes discussing cryptography can be used to protect messages, for the class "Computational Thinking", taught in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  24. ct_doublets_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Doublets", notes on a word game called "doublets", for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  25. ct_histogram_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Histograms", notes on using plotly() to create histograms from data, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  26. ct_introduction_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Introduction", an introduction for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  27. ct_lineplot_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Lineplot", notes on using plotly() to create line plots, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  28. ct_lineplot_demo_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Lineplot Demo", a demonstration using plotly() to create line plots, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  29. ct_machine_learning_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Machine Learning", notes on machine learning, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  30. ct_ngrams_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: The Google Ngram Viewer", notes on the Google Ngram viewer, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  31. ct_pagematch_2016_fsu.html, Computational Thinking: The Pagematch Algorithm", notes on the page match algorithm, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  32. ct_pagerank_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: The Pagerank Algorithm", notes on the page rank algorithm, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  33. ct_plotly_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Plotly", notes on using the plotly() graphics program, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  34. ct_scatter_2016_fsu.html, "Computational Thinking: Scatter Plots", notes on creating scatter plots with the plotly() graphics program, for the class "Computational Thinking", in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, spring semester 2016.
  35. cvt_periodic_2016_fsu.html, "Look Ma, No Borders! A Periodic Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation", John Burkardt, Scientific Communication Conference, Florida State University, 03 August 2016.
  36. mesh_2016_fsu.html, "Computers Dream of Triangles", John Burkardt, Graduate Student Seminar, Department of Scientific Computing Florida State University, 22 January 2016.
  37. mesh_2016_upg.html, "My Computer Dreams of Triangles", John Burkardt, Conference for Careers and Undergraduate Research in the Natural Sciences, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, 16 April 2016.
  38. sphere_grid_2016_vt.html, "Parallel Quality Meshes for Earth Models", the problem of constructing meshes on spheres, in particular, for modeling weather and climate on the surface of the Earth, presented at Virginia Tech, on 04 October 2016.
  39. voronoi_neighbors_2016_fsu.html, "Determining Voronoi Neighbors using MATLAB's voronoin() Command", a report on how to determine the node-to-node grid implicitly generated by a Voronoi diagram, when calculated using MATLAB, written at Florida State University, 2016.

  40. chain_2014_fsu.html, "The Curse in the Mailbox: the Message of Chain Letters", a presentation to the Florida State University Department of Scientific Computing Graduate Seminar, 2014.
  41. continuation_2014_fsu.html, "The Continuation Method", a short discussion of the continuation method, applied to a system of n-1 algebraic equations in n variables. The method is demonstrated by seeking a sequence of points on the unit circle. This document was prepared for a graduate student who wanted to know how to discretize a boundary curve defined by a formula, and written at Florida State University in 2014.
  42. heston_2014_fsu.html, "High Accuracy Finite Element Methods for Option Pricing under Heston's Stochastic Volatility Model", a paper by Xi Chen, with John Burkardt and Max Gunzburger, written at Florida State University, 2014.
  43. honors_thesis_2014_fsu.html, "Scientific Computing Honors Thesis", a syllabus which I prepared for the course ISC 4971: "Honors Thesis", in Scientific Computing for the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University in 2014.
  44. hypersphere_2014_siam_seas.html, "A Hyperspherical Method for Discontinuity Location in Uncertainty Quantification", given at the SIAM SEAS conference, held at the Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida, 28-30 March 2014, representing joint work with Clayton Webster and Guannan Zhang of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
  45. mesh_2014_fsu.html, "How to make a Mesh", a talk presented to the Florida State University Department of Scientific Computing Graduate Seminar, ISC5934, 3:30-4:45, 11 April 2014.
  46. sgmga_2014_vt.html, "Slow Exponential Growth for Clenshaw Curtis Sparse Grids" a discussion of the slow exponential growth approach for generating a family of sparse grids, written at Virginia Tech in 2014.
  47. sgmga_gps_2014_fus.html, "Slow Exponential Growth for Gauss Patterson Sparse Grids" a discussion of the slow exponential growth approach for generating a family of sparse grids, written at Florida State University in 2014.
  48. slow_growth_2014_savannah.html, "Slow Growth for Sparse Grids", given at the SIAM Uncertainty Quantification meeting in Savannah, Geogia, held 31 March - 03 April 2014.
  49. snakes_2014_fsu.html, "Snakes and Ladders: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation of a System with Jumps", a talk on a computational simulation of the game of Snakes and Ladders, given to Max Gunzburger's group, at Florida State University, 16 September 2014.
  50. sparse_2014_fsu.html, "Sparse Grid Collocation for Uncertainty Quantification", a talk to Max Gunzburger's research group at Florida State University, on 13 February 2014.
  51. sphere_grid_2014_fsu.html, "Gridding the Earth for Climate Models", a talk about constructing meshes on spheres, in particular, for modeling weather and climate on the surface of the Earth, presented to the Florida State University Department of Scientific Computing Graduate Seminar, ISC5934, 3:30-4:45, on 21 February 2014.
  52. stokes_2014_fsu.html, "Finite Element Methods for the Stokes Equations", a talk on finite element methods for the Stokes and Navier Stokes equations of fluid flow, given at Florida State University to the ISC 5907 class, 23 June 2014.
  53. truncated_normal_2014_fsu.html, "Collocation for the Truncated Normal Distribution", a talk about designing, writing, and testing software associated with the collocation problem for the truncated normal distribution. This talk was presented to the Florida State University Department of Scientific Computing Graduate Seminar, ISC5934, 3:30-4:45, 14 February 2014.
  54. truncated_normal_paper_2014_fsu.html, "The Truncated Normal Distribution", an informal technical report which describes the truncated normal distribution, which is a modification of the normal distribution that uses a finite value for one or both endpoints of the domain. This makes it possible to sensibly and efficiently describe phenomena whose variation from the mean value is typically normal, but which does not vary infinitely far or must not be so modeled, for physical or mathematical reasons. This paper was written at Florida State University, in 2014.

  55. burgers_2013_ajou.html, "Investigating Uncertain Parameters in the Burgers Equation", a talk at Ajou University on 13 August 2013, for my host, Professor Hyung-Chun Lee.
  56. fem_basis_2013_fsu.html, "The Finite Element Basis for Simplices in Arbitrary Dimension", an informal technical report which describes a procedure for defining and evaluating a finite element basis for simplices. The polynomial degree of the basis set and the spatial dimension of the simplex are both arbitrary. The report was written at Florida State University in 2013.
  57. genetic_2013_ajou.html, "Genetic Algorithms", a talk presented to the Mathematics Department at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, 13 August 2013, and hosted by Professor Hyun-Chun Lee.
  58. genetic_2013_fsu.html, "Genetic Algorithms", a talk presented to the Junior Seminar of the FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 04 February 2013.
  59. genetic_2013_trinity.html, "Genetic Algorithms", a talk presented to the Undergraduate Seminar at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 21 February 2013.
  60. hypersphere_2013_ajou.html, "A Hyperspherical Method for Discontinuity Location in Uncertainty Quantification", representing joint work with Clayton Webster and Guannan Zhang of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, given at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, on 13 August 2013.
  61. model_problems_2013_vt.html, "Problems in Mathematical Modeling", a lecture for a one day workshop on Mathematical Modeling, at Virginia Tech, 04 May 2013.
  62. mpi_2013_acs2.html, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI", talks and a lab session, as part of the Advanced Computational Science II class given to graduate students in the Department of Computational Science at Florida State University, 10/15 October 2013.
  63. openmp_2013_acs2.html, "Shared Memory Programming with OPENMP", talks with a lab session as part of the Advanced Computational Science II class given to graduate students in the Department of Computational Science at Florida State University, 03/08 October 2013.
  64. sparse_2013_ajou.html, "Sparse Grid Collocation for Uncertainty Quantification" a talk given at Ajou University, in Suwon, Korea, on 14 August 2013.
  65. sparse_interpolant_2013_fsu.html, "The Sparse Grid Interpolant", a short discussion of interpolation using Smolyak sparse grids, written at Florida State University, September 2013.
  66. sphere_grid_2013_cheongpyeong.html, "Gridding the Earth for Climate Models", a talk about constructing meshes on spheres, for modeling weather and climate on the surface of the Earth, for the Workshop on Finite Element Methods and Their Applications, Cheongpyeong, Korea, 16 August 2013.
  67. sphere_grid_2013_trinity.html, "Gridding the Earth for Climate Models", a talk about constructing meshes on spheres for modeling weather and climate on the surface of the Earth, presented at the Trinity University Mathematics Department Colloquium, 20 February 2013.
  68. stochastic_integrals_2013_fsu.html, "Approximating Stochastic Integrals", invited lectures for "Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations", ISC 5936-01, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 26/28 February, 5/7/19/21 March 2013.
  69. stokes_2013_tulane.html, "Finite Element Methods for the (Navier) Stokes Equations", a talk on finite element methods for the Stokes and Navier Stokes equations of fluid flow, at Tulane University, 12 November 2013.
  70. truncated_normal_2013_fsu.html, "Collocation for the Truncated Normal Distribution" is a talk about the process of designing, writing, and testing several pieces of software associated with the collocation problem for the truncated normal distribution. This talk was presented on 07 October 2013 to Max Gunzburger's research group in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University.

  71. burgers_2012_ornl.html, "Parallel Collocation for Uncertainty Quantification on High Performance Systems", a talk at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on 2 May 2012, part of the SAMSI workshop "Uncertainty Quantification for High-Performance Computing".
  72. interp1d_2012_ornl.html, "The Interpolation Problem in 1D", a talk at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, on 20 August 2012.
  73. kl_2012_fsu.html, "Covariance, Correlation, and the KL-Expansion", a discussion of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, written in 2012 at Florida State University.
  74. matlab_fast_2012_auburn.html, "Maximum MATLAB", a talk about measuring and improving the performance of MATLAB programs, given at the Mathematics Department of Auburn University, 22 March 2012.
  75. matlab_fast_2012_fsu.html, "Maximum MATLAB", a talk about measuring and improving the performance of MATLAB programs, given to the class on Symbolic and Numeric Computations, in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, 5/7 November 2012.
  76. matlab_fast_2012_tulane.html, "Maximum MATLAB", a talk about measuring and improving the performance of MATLAB programs, presented to the graduate students in the mathematics department at Tulane University, 19 January 2012.
  77. matlab_parallel_2012_vt.html, "Parallel Programming with MATLAB", notes prepared with Professor Gene Cliff at Virginia Tech in 2012.
  78. matlab_parfor_2012_fsu.html, "PARFOR for MATLAB", lectures prepared for the Summer Seminar series, given by the Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, 24/27 July 2012.
  79. mesh_2012_fsu.html, "How to make a mesh", presented to the Department of Scientific Computing Graduate Seminar, at Florida State University, 12 October 2012.
  80. mesh_fem_2012_fsu.html, "Meshing for the Finite Element Method", presented to the Summer Seminar series, given by the Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, 10/12 July 2012.
  81. mpas_interface_2012_fsu.html, "The Interface between the MPAS Land Ice Dynamic Core and the Velocity Solver", describes the requirements and design for the interface between the MPAS land ice dynamic core and the velocity solver, which sets up and solves the quasi-static velocity equations at each time step, written in 2012 at Florida State University, with Mauro Perego.
  82. mpi_2012_acs2.html, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI", talks for the Advanced Computational Science II class in the Department of Computational Science at Florida State University, 18/23 October 2012.
  83. mpi_2012_fsu.html, "Parallel Computing with MPI", a short talk to Professor Michael Mascagni's class on Parallel and Distributed Monte Carlo Methods, Florida State University, 13 July 2012.
  84. mpi_exercises_2012_acs2.html, "Lab Exercises for MPI", exercises to be carried out by students in the Advanced Computational Science II class at Florida State University on 23 October 2012.
  85. openmp_2012_acs2.html, "Shared Memory Programming with OPENMP", talks for the Advanced Computational Science II class given to graduate students in the Department of Computational Science at Florida State University, 11/16 October 2012.
  86. openmp_2012_fsu.html, "OpenMP for C or Fortran", lectures for the Summer Seminar series, given at the Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, 31 July / 02 August 2012.
  87. openmp_exercises_2012_acs2.html, "Lab Exercises for OpenMP", a series of OpenMP lab exercises to be carried out by students in the class Advanced Scientific Computing II, at Florida State University on 16 October 2012.
  88. sgmga_gls_2012_fsu.html, "Slow Exponential Growth for Gauss-Legendre Sparse Grids" a discussion of the slow exponential growth approach for generating a family of sparse grids, written at Florida State University in 2012.
  89. shallow_water_2012_fsu.html, "What Makes the Ocean Wave?", lectures on approximating the shallow water equations, focussing on a simple code by Cleve Moler, and addressed to the Summer Seminar series, given at the Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, 17/19 July 2012.
  90. sparse_2012_scala.html, "Sparse Grid Collocation for Uncertainty Quantification", a talk at the SCALA Conference 2012 (Scientific Computing Around Louisiana), held at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, on 20/21 January 2012.
  91. uq_2012_siam.html, "Collocation for Uncertainty Quantification", a talk at the SIAM conference on Uncertainty Quantification, held in Raleigh, North Carolina from 2 April 2012 to 06 April 2012.

  92. asa_geometry_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Geometry Algorithms", lectures for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  93. asa_geometry_homework_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Geometry Homework", homework assignment for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  94. asa_geometry_lab_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Geometry Lab Exercises", lab exercises for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  95. asa_graphs_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Graph Algorithms", lectures for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  96. asa_graphs_homework_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Graph Homework", homework assignment for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  97. asa_graphs_lab_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Graph Computer Lab", lab exercises for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  98. asa_images_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Image Algorithms", lectures for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  99. asa_images_homework_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Images Homework", homework assignment for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  100. asa_images_lab_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Images Lab Exercises", lab exercises for the class Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  101. asa_midterm_2011_fsu.html, "ASA: Graph Algorithms Midterm Question", a question on graph theory for the midterm exam, assigned for the class on Algorithms for Science Applications, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.
  102. climate_2011_fsu.html, "The Big Thaw: Simulating Greenland's Future", a talk to the Graduate Student Seminar at the FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 08 April 2011.
  103. fem_ns_2011_fsu.html, "The Finite Element Method for the Navier Stokes Equations", several informal reports describing a procedure for defining the finite element formulation of the steady incompressible Navier Stokes equations, using Taylor-Hood elements. The reports were written at Florida State University in 2011.
  104. hermite_interpolant_2011_fsu.html, "Computing the Hermite Interpolant", an informal technical report discussing the standard interpolating polynomial, which interpolates function values, the simple Hermite interpolating polynomial, which interpolates both function values and derivatives, and a procedure for computing the simple Hermite interpolant that is based on a modification of the usual divided difference procedure for the standard interpolating polynomial. This report was created in 2011 at Florida State University.
  105. infinity_2011_upg.html, "The Capture of Infinity", about Cantor's theory of infinity, given to the Student Mathematics Club at the University of Pittsburgh/Greensburg, 07 December 2011.
  106. jacobi_poisson_1d_2011_fsu.html, "Solving the 1D Poisson Equation with Jacobi Iteration", investigate the use of the Jacobi iterative solver to compute approximate solutions to a discretization of Poisson's equation in 1D, written at Florida State University in 2011.
  107. matlab_fast_2011_ajou.html, "Fast Programs for Big Problems", presentation to students in the Department of Mathematics at Ajou University in Suwon, Korea, 27/29 September 2011, hosted by Professor Hyung-Chun Lee.
  108. matlab_parallel_2011_ajou.html, "Parallel Programming with MATLAB", a presentation to the Department of Mathematics, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, given on 22 September 2011. I was hosted by Professor Hyung-Chun Lee.
  109. matlab_parallel_2011_fsu.html, "Parallel MATLAB at FSU: PARFOR and SPMD", a talk about Parallel MATLAB at Florida State University, for execution on desktops or the FSU HPC cluster, using MATLAB's PARFOR and SPMD features, 31 March 2011.
  110. matlab_parallel_2011_yonsei.html, "Parallel Programming with MATLAB", a presentation to the Department of Computational Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, given on 28 September 2011. I was hosted by Professor Eunjung Lee.
  111. matlab_tasks_2011_fsu.html, "Parallel MATLAB at FSU: Task Computing", a talk on the use of Parallel MATLAB at Florida State University, for execution on desktops or the FSU HPC cluster, using MATLAB's task computing features, on 07 April 2011.
  112. mesh_2011_fsu.html, "Meshing for Finite Element Methods", a talk for the Advanced Graduate Seminar on Finite Element Methods, at Florida State University, given on 04 November 2011.
  113. mpi_2011_acs2.html, "Parallel Computing with MPI", talks on MPI, as part of the Advanced Computational Science II class given to graduate students in the Department of Computational Science at Florida State University, 25/27 October 2011.
  114. mpi_exercises_2011_acs2.html, "Lab Exercises for MPI", exercises to be carried out by students in the class Advanced Computational Science II, at Florida State University, on 01 November 2011.
  115. openmp_2011_acs2.html, "Parallel Programming with OPENMP", talks for the Advanced Computational Science II class given to graduate students in the Department of Computational Science at Florida State University, 11/13 October 2011.
  116. openmp_exercises_2011_acs2.html, "Lab Exercises for OpenMP", to be carried out in the class Advanced Computational Science II, in the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, on 25 October 2011.
  117. sparse_2011_ajou.html, "Sparse Grids for Stochastic Integrals", a talk at Ajou University in Suwon, Korea, to the Workshop on Numerical Methods for Stochastic PDE's, on 24 September 2011.
  118. stokes_2011_fsu.html, "Finite Element Methods for the Stokes Equations", a talk for the Advanced Graduate Seminar on Finite Element Methods, at the Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, on 02 December 2011.
  119. stokes_2011_pitt.html, "Finite Element Methods for the (Navier) Stokes Equations", a talk for the Numerical Analysis Seminar at the University of Pittsburgh, 08 December 2011.

  120. climate_2010_pitt.html, "The Big Thaw: Simulating Greenland's Future", a talk to the Computational Mathematics Seminar at the University of Pittsburgh Mathematics Department, 10 December 2010.
  121. cvt_uman_2010_fsu.html, "User Manual for the CVT Library", written at Florida State University, in 2010.
  122. infinity_2010_upg.html, "The Capture of Infinity", a talk about Cantor's development of a consistent theory of infinity, given at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, March 2010.
  123. matlab_fast_2010_fsu.html, "Fast Programs for Big Problems", invited lectures for ISC 3222-01, "Symbolic and Numeric Calculations", Professor Ming Ye, 19 and 22 November 2010. FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  124. matlab_parallel_2010_vt.html, "Introduction to Parallel MATLAB at Virginia Tech", slides for a short course on parallel MATLAB, as implemented on the Ithaca computer system, taught by John Burkardt and Gene Cliff, presented through the Faculty Development Institute (FDI), on 08 February 2010
  125. matlab_parallel_heat_2010_vt.html, "Notes on a 2D Thermal Model: an Example for MATLAB's Parallel Computing Toolbox", notes prepared with Professor Gene Cliff, of Virginia Tech AOE Department / ICAM, to demonstrate the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox's SPMD and distributed array facilities, written at Virginia Tech in 2010.
  126. matlab_parfor_2010_fsu.html, "Parallel MATLAB at FSU: Parallel FOR Loops", a lecture on parallel MATLAB, as implemented on the computer cluster at Florida State University's Department of Scientific Computing, 12 April 2010.
  127. matlab_parfor_2010_vt.html, "Parallel MATLAB: Parallel FOR Loops", a lecture on parallel MATLAB, as implemented on the Ithaca computer cluster at Virginia Tech's Advanced Research Computing facility, 04 June 2010.
  128. matlab_spmd_2010_fsu.html, "Parallel MATLAB at FSU: SPMD and Message Passing Programming", a lecture on parallel MATLAB, as implemented on the computer cluster at Florida State University's Department of Scientific Computing, on 13 April 2010.
  129. matlab_spmd_2010_vt.html, "Parallel MATLAB: Single Program Multiple Data", a lecture on parallel MATLAB and the SPMD command for running programs on Virginia Tech's Ithaca cluster, given 25 June 2010.
  130. matlab_tasks_2010_fsu.html, "Parallel MATLAB at FSU: Task Computing", a lecture at Florida State University's Department of Scientific Computing on 16 April 2010.
  131. matlab_tasks_2010_vt.html, "Parallel MATLAB: Task Computing", a lecture on parallel MATLAB, as implemented on the Ithaca computer cluster at Virginia Tech, 02 July 2010.
  132. openmp_2010_fsu.html, "Parallel Programming: OpenMP + FORTRAN", presentation materials for an impromptu (one day's notice) lecture on parallel programming using OpenMP and FORTRAN, presented at Florida State University, in the Department of Scientific Computing, to the class on "Introduction to Scientific Computing with Fortran", on Friday, April 15, 2010.
  133. openmp_2010_vt.html, "Parallel Programming with OpenMP", part of the presentation materials for Virginia Tech's "Parallel Programming Bootcamp", 10 August 2010.
  134. pink_noise_2010_fsu.html, "Colored Noise Functions for Stochastic Analysis", presents a procedure for generating colored noise functions. This paper was written with Max Gunzburger and Miro Stoyanov at Florida State University in 2010.
  135. sgmga_1d_rules_2010_fsu.html, "1D Quadrature Rules for Sparse Grids", describes several families of one-dimensional quadrature rules that can be used to generate sparse grids. This document was written at Florida State University in 2010.
  136. sgmga_coefficient_2010_vt.html, "The Combinatorial Coefficient for Anisotropic Sparse Grids", outlines the changes to be made when moving from an isotropic sparse grid to an anisotropic sparse grid, that is, a sparse grid which can be designed to achieve greater precision in particular spatial dimensions. This document was written at Virginia Tech in 2010.
  137. sgmga_counting_2010_fsu.html, "Counting Abscissas in Sparse Grids", discusses how to determine the number of abscissas or function evaluations associated with a variety of sparse grids, in given spatial dimension and order of precision. This document was written at Florida State University in 2010.
  138. sgmga_precision_2010_vt.html, "On the Precision of Certain Multidimensional Quadrature Schemes", reports the precision of certain sparse grid rules, comparing the number of function evaluations required to achieve a given level of precision to show the point at which a sparse grid rule becomes more efficient than a standard product rule. This document was written at Virginia Tech in 2010.
  139. shallow_water_2010_vt.html, "Numerical Solution of the Shallow Water Equations", lectures on approximating the shallow water equations, focussing on a simple code by Cleve Moler, and addressed to the class on Mathematical Modeling of Oceanic and Atmospheric Flows, at Virginia Tech, March 22/24 2010.
  140. sparse_2010_edinburgh.html, "Sparse Grids for Anisotropic Problems", a talk to a workshop on Uncertainty Quantification, sponsored by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 28 May 2010.
  141. sparse_2010_fsu.html, "Integration, Quadrature, and Sparse Grids", a talk to Max Gunzburger's research group seminar, at Florida State University, on 10 September 2010.
  142. sparse_poster_2010_edinburgh.html, "Sparse Grids for Anisotropic Problems", a talk to a workshop on Uncertainty Quantification, sponsored by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 28 May 2010.
  143. stochastic_pde_2010_sandia.html, "Advanced Numerical Methods for Computing Statistical Quantities of Interest from Solutions of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations", a final report to Sandia National Laboratories on research into stochastic partial differential equations, concluding in 2010.

  144. cg_lab_tet_mesh_search_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on searching a mesh of tetrahedrons to determine which tetrahedron (if any) contains a given point. These notes were written at Florida State University, 2009.
  145. cg_lab_tetrahedrons_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on tetrahedrons, written at Florida State University, 2009.
  146. cg_lab_tetrahedrons_barycentric_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on barycentric coordinates in tetrahedrons, written at Florida State University in 2009.
  147. cg_lab_tetrahedrons_fem_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on the definition, computation and use of finite element basis functions for a single tetrahedron, written at Florida State University, 2009.
  148. cg_lab_tetrahedrons_mapping_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on how to determine an affine map between two tetrahedrons, which can be used to transform a quadrature rule from a reference tetrahedron to an arbitrary tetrahedron in a mesh. These notes were written at Florida State University, 2009.
  149. cg_lab_tetrahedrons_monte_carlo_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on computational geometry and the use of the Monte Carlo method for quadrature over tetrahedrons, written at Florida State University, 2009.
  150. cg_lab_triangles_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on computational geometry and triangles, written at Florida State University, 2009.
  151. cg_lab_triangles_barycentric_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on barycentric coordinates in triangles, written at Florida State University in 2009.
  152. cg_lab_triangles_fem_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on the definition, computation and use of finite element basis functions for a single triangle, written at Florida State University, 2009.
  153. cg_lab_triangles_mapping_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on how to determine an affine map between two triangles, which can be used to transform a quadrature rule from a reference triangle to an arbitrary triangle in a mesh, written at Florida State University in 2009.
  154. cg_lab_triangles_monte_carlo_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on computational geometry and the use of the Monte Carlo method for quadrature over triangles, written at Florida State University in 2009.
  155. cg_lab_triangles_quadrature_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on computational geometry and quadrature over triangles, written at Florida State University, 2009.
  156. cg_lab_triangulation_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on representing triangulations, and on computing boundary and triangle neighbor information, written at Florida State University in 2009.
  157. cg_lab_triangulation_fem_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on the definition, computation and use of basis functions for the finite element method when applied to a 2D triangulation, begun at Florida State University, 2009, but not completed.
  158. cg_lab_triangulation_monte_carlo_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on computational geometry and the use of the Monte Carlo method for quadrature over a triangulations, written at Florida State University in 2009.
  159. cg_lab_triangulation_quadrature_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on computational geometry and quadrature over a triangulation, written at Florida State University, 2009.
  160. cg_lab_triangulation_search_2009_fsu.html, the LaTeX source for a computer laboratory assignment on searching a triangulation to determine which triangle (if any) contains a given point, written at Florida State University in 2009.
  161. clustering_images_2009_vt.html, "Clustering Images", Issues in Scientific Computing, Virginia Tech, 23 September 2009.
  162. clustering_kmeans_2009_vt.html, "Clustering with the Kmeans Algorithm", Issues in Scientific Computing, Virginia Tech, 21 September 2009.
  163. clustering_linkage_2009_vt.html, "Clustering with the Single Linkage Algorithm", Issues in Scientific Computing, Virginia Tech, 16 September 2009.
  164. clustering_voronoi_2009_vt.html, "Clustering using Voronoi Diagrams", Issues in Scientific Computing, Virginia Tech, 28 September 2009.
  165. clustering_weighted_2009_vt.html, "Clustering using Weights", Issues in Scientific Computing, Virginia Tech, 25 September 2009.
  166. death_map_2009_ajou.html, "The Death Map - Reading Nature's Geometry", a talk to the Mathematics Department at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea on 12 May 2009.
  167. death_map_2009_auburn.html, "The Death Map - Reading Nature's Geometry", a talk to the SIAM Student Chapter at Auburn University on 05 February 2009. My talk was sponsored by Professor Yanzhao Cao.
  168. death_map_2009_vt.html, "The Death Map", a talk to the students of Patricia Hammer from Hollins University, at Virginia Tech on 10 November 2009.
  169. history_2009_vt.html, "Parallel Programming Prehistory", a lecture on the development of parallel programming, as part of one of Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, 26 May 2009.
  170. matlab_md_2009_siam, "Parallel MATLAB on the MD Problem", some notes to accompany our poster, displayed in the MathWorks booth, illustrating our experiences with parallel MATLAB, during the SIAM Annual Meeting in Denver, 06-10 July 2009.
  171. matlab_md_poster_2009_siam, "Parallel MATLAB on the MD Problem", a poster displayed in the MathWorks booth, illustrating our experiences with parallel MATLAB on a number of algorithms, during the SIAM Annual Meeting in Denver, 06-10 July 2009.
  172. matlab_opt_2009_siam, "Parallel MATLAB on the OPT Problem", describes the use of parallel MATLAB on an optimization problem, for the SIAM Annual Meeting in Denver, 06-10 July 2009.
  173. matlab_opt_poster_2009_siam, "Parallel MATLAB on the OPT Problem", a poster illustrating our experiences with parallel MATLAB, displayed in the MathWorks booth during the SIAM Annual Meeting in Denver, 06-10 July 2009.
  174. matlab_sat_2009_siam, "Parallel MATLAB on the SAT Problem", discussion of the use of Parallel MATLAB on the SAT problem, for the SIAM Annual Meeting in Denver, 06-10 July 2009.
  175. matlab_sat_poster_2009_siam, "Parallel MATLAB on the SAT Problem", a poster displayed in the MathWorks booth during the SIAM Annual Meeting in Denver, 06-10 July 2009.
  176. monte_carlo_probability_2009_vt.html, "The Monte Carlo Method: Probability", Issues in Scientific Computing, Virginia Tech, 26-28-30 October 2009.
  177. monte_carlo_sampling_2009_vt.html, "The Monte Carlo Method: Sampling", Issues in Scientific Computing, Virginia Tech, 26-28-30 October 2009.
  178. monte_carlo_simulation_2009_vt.html, "The Monte Carlo Method: Simulation", Issues in Scientific Computing, Virginia Tech, 26-28-30 October 2009.
  179. mpi_2009_ajou.html, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI", a lecture given during a visit to Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, on 13 May 2009.
  180. mpi_2009_vt.html, "MPI Distributed Memory Programming", a talk given at Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 26-28 May 2009.
  181. openmp_2009_ajou.html, "Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP", a lecture on OpenMP programming, given at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, on 13 May 2009.
  182. openmp_2009_vt.html, "OpenMP Shared Memory Programming", given as part of Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 26-28 May 2009.
  183. parallel_2009_ajou.html, "Parallel Programming Concepts", given to the Mathematics Department at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, 13 May 2009.
  184. parallel_2009_vt.html, "Parallel Programming Concepts", a lecture for Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 26-28 May 2009.
  185. sparse_2009_ajou.html, "Covering Pascal's Triangle on a Budget, Accuracy, Precision and Efficiency in Sparse Grids", a talk to the Mathematics Department at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea on 08 May 2009.
  186. sparse_2009_auburn.html, "Covering Pascal's Triangle on a Budget: Accuracy, Precision and Efficiency in Sparse Grids", a talk to the Computational Mathematics Seminar of the Mathematics Department at Auburn University, on 06 February 2009.
  187. sparse_2009_fsu.html, "Sparse Grids for Stochastic Integrals", a talk to the FSU Department of Scientific Computing on 08 October 2009.
  188. sparse_2009_sandia.html, "Accuracy, Precision and Efficiency in Sparse Grids", a talk to the Computer Science Research Institute at Sandia National Laboratory, on 22 July 2009.
  189. sparse_intro_2009_ajou.html, "An Introduction to High Dimensional Sparse Grids", a talk to the Mathematics Department at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, on 11 May 2009.

  190. bifurcation_2008_vt.html, "Background for Bifurcation, Catastrophe, Singularity, and All That", a supplementary discussion of bifurcation, to accompany a talk by Professor Jim Fink of the Computer Science Department at Gettysburg College delivered a lecture to Lizette Zietsman's Mathematical Modelling seminar at Virginia Tech, 21 October 2008.
  191. death_map_2008_upg.html, "The Death Map", a talk given at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (UPG) on 14 November 2008 to an undergraduate audience, sponsored by Professor Gary Hart.
  192. fem_neumann_2008_vt.html, "A finite element formulation of a reaction diffusion problem involving homogeneous Neumman boundary conditions", written with Gene Cliff and Jeff Borggaard, at Virginia Tech, in 2008.
  193. history_2008_vt.html, "History of Parallel Programming", intended as an introduction to parallel computing, part of Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 10-12 June 2008.
  194. mpi_2008_acs2.html, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI", an invited talk for the Advanced Computational Science II class given to graduate students in the Department of Computational Science at Florida State University, 2008.
  195. mpi_exercises_2008_acs2.html, "Lab Exercises for MPI", a series of MPI lab exercises to be carried out by students in the Florida State University class Advanced Computational Science II on 22 September 2008, to be handed in on 29 September 2008.
  196. mpi_part1_2008_vt.html, "Introduction to MPI", an introductory disccusion of MPI, as part of an introduction to parallel computing, in Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 10-12 June 2008.
  197. mpi_part2_2008_vt.html, "Using MPI", a second talk on MPI, as part of Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 10-12 June 2008.
  198. openmp_2008_acs2.html, "Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP", a series of 2 talks on OpenMP with a lab sessions as part of the Advanced Computational Science II class given to graduate students in the Department of Computational Science at Florida State University.
  199. openmp_2008_vt.html, "Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP", a presentation for The High Performance Parallel Computation Bootcamp (HPPC-2008), sponsored by the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech, and held from 28 July to 02 August 2008.
  200. openmp_exercises_2008_acs2.html, "Lab Exercises for OpenMP", a series of OpenMP lab exercises to be carried out by students in the Florida State Univesity Class Advanced Scientific Computing II, on 15 September 2008, to be handed in on 22 September 2008.
  201. openmp_part1_2008_vt.html, "Introductory OpenMP", a talk intended as an introduction to parallel computing, in Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 10-12 June 2008.
  202. openmp_part2_2008_vt.html, "Using OpenMP", a talk given as part of Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 10-12 June 2008.
  203. parallel_2008_hppc.html, "Parallel Programming Concepts", a talk given at the High Performance Parallel Computation Bootcamp (HPPC-2008), jointly sponsored by the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech, held from 28 July to 02 August 2008.
  204. parallel_2008_vt.html, "Parallel Programming Concepts", a talk included as an introduction to parallel computing, in Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 10-12 June 2008.
  205. parallel_tasks_2008_vt.html, "Some Model Programming Tasks", part of an introduction to parallel computing, as part of Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 10-12 June 2008.
  206. performance_2008_vt.html, "Computer Performance", discusses measuring and improving the performance of computer algorithms, as part of Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, from 10-12 June 2008.
  207. sparse_2008_pitt.html, "SPARSE GRIDS: Turning High Dimensional Data into Information", a talk I gave to the Computational Mathematics Seminar at the University of Pittsburgh Mathematics Department, on 11 November 2008.

  208. death_map_2007_vt.html, "The Death Map", a talk to students from Hollins University whose teacher was Professor Patricia Hammer, given at Virginia Tech on 25 October 2007,
  209. sparse_2007_fsu.html, "High Dimensional Sparse Grids: Stalking the Wild Integral", a talk at the School of Computational Science, at Florida State University on 19 June 2007.
  210. sparse_2007_psc.html, "Stalking the Wild Integral", I gave a talk , to the "Science for Lunch Bunch" (free pizza) at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, on 27 June 2007.
  211. sparse_2007_sandia.html, "A Low Level Introduction to High Dimensional Sparse Grids", a talk to the Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) at Sandia National Laboratories on 21 August 2007.

  212. svd_2006_fsu.html, "PDE Model Reduction Using the SVD", a talk given to the Graduate Student Seminar at the Florida State University School of Computational Science. on 21 September 2006
  213. svd_2006_usc.html, "Turning Data into Information with the SVD", a talk on 25 October 2006, to the local SIAM Student chapter at the Mathematics Department of the University of South Carolina.
  214. svd_2006_vt.html, "PDE Model Reduction Using the SVD", a talk I gave on 17 August 2006 at Virginia Tech.

  215. arby_2005_fsu.html, "Flow Optimization Using Sensitivities". In this setting, we have some parameters that affect a fluid flow, and we have a scalar function based on properties of that flow. We want to find values of the parameters that optimize the scalar function, but the Navier Stokes equations are intermediate. These notes were writen at Florida State University in 1995.
  216. cvt_2005_new_orleans.html, "Natural Inclusion of Boundary Points in a Mesh", a talk at the SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, held in New Orleans from 11 - 14 July, 2005.
  217. cvt_2005_orlando.html, "Natural Inclusion of Boundary Points in a Mesh", a presentation at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, held from 11 - 15 February, 2005.
  218. death_map_2005_vt.html, "The Poison Pump and the Spitting Fish", a talk to the student chapter of SIAM at Virginia Tech on 26 April 2005.
  219. mpi_2005_fsu.html, "Introduction to MPI", several introductory talks on MPI, the Message Passing Interface, presented at Florida State University, in October 2005.

  220. rom_2003_bozeman, "PDE Model Reduction Using Clustering", a talk given to the 8th Conference on Computation, Control, and Biological Systems, at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, held from July 29 to August 1, 2003.

  221. cvt_basis_2002_fsu.html, The CVT basis algorithm", describing the algorihm employed in the program CVT_BASIS, and used for computations in joint work with Max Gunzburger and Hyung-Chun Lee.
  222. delaunay_refinement_2002_fsu.html, "The Number of Nodes in a Delaunay Mesh Refinement", a report on counting the number of nodes generated during a mesh refinement involving the Delaunay diagram, written at Florida State University, in 2002.

  223. cdoc_1996_vt.html, "Computational Control of a Crystallization Process", describes the background of a computational project studying the control of the crystallization of silicon in the Czochralski process, written at Virginia Tech in 1996.
  224. crystal_1996_vt.html, "Control of a Crystallization Process", a report on efforts to model the control of the crystallization of silicon in the Czochralski process, written at Virginia Tech in 1996.
  225. flow_optimization_1996_isu.html, "Flow sensititivies with respect to the Reynolds number", used in a sort of Taylor series expansion, so that flows with larger Reynolds numbers could be represented by their first six coefficients in the Taylor expansion. This work was done at Iowa State University under the guidance of Janet Peterson.
  226. sensitivities_1996_bc.html, "Sensitivities for Optimization", a talk for the Fifth SIAM Conference on Optimization in Victoria, British Columbia, in May 1996.

  227. matmul_1995_psc.html, "The MATMUL Matrix Multiplication Benchmark program", developed and presented at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, 1995.
  228. sensitivity_1995_sanfran.html, "Sensitivity Inconsistency for Geometric Parameters", a talk I gave in San Francisco, on 10 March 1995.
  229. thesis_1995_vt.html, "Sensitivity Analyses and Computational Shape Optimization for Incompressible Flows", submitted to the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech in May 1995. My thesis adviser was Max Gunzburger.

  230. chain_1994_vt.html, "This is no joke!", a short article about chain letters, written at Virginia Tech in 1994.
  231. shape_optimization_1994_bozeman.html, "Discretization of Cost and Sensitivities in Shape Optimization", a presentation for the 4th Conference on Computation, Control, and Biological Systems, at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, held in 1994.

  232. flow_control_1992_ima.html, "Control of Steady Incompressible 2D Channel Flow", notes from a talk at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) in Minneapolis, November 1992.

  233. benchmark_1990_psc.html, "Benchmarking on the Cray YMP", prepared and presented at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center in 1990.

  234. cv_pitt.html, a style file and sample document for a curriculum vitae for a graduate student in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Pittsburgh, based on work by Christopher Keyes.

Last revised on 17 May 2024.