"Parallel Collocation for Uncertainty Quantification on High Performance Systems",
a talk at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on 2 May 2012,
part of the SAMSI workshop "Uncertainty Quantification
for High-Performance Computing".
The following files were used:
the "base" solution of the steady Burgers equation.
study of the approximation of the quantity of interest, Q=U(X=0,T=3),
for the time dependent Burgers equation, using sparse grids and
the Monte Carlo method, for three values of viscosity.
a schematic of the time and space grid for Burgers equation with
an initial condition and periodic boundaries.
a plot suggestion how an initial condition for the time dependent
Burgers equation could be defined by 9 data values and a spline.
a plot showing how the solution profile at time = 3 of the
Burgers equation would be affected by changing any one of the
9 data values that define the initial condition.
a 3D plot showing how the inviscid Burgers equation can develop
a shock, causing the solution process to break down.
the "base" solution of the time dependent Burgers equation, at T = 2.
the "base" solution of the time dependent Burgers equation, at T = 3.
images of the first 6 sparse grids in 3D, based on the Clenshaw Curtis points.
a logo for FSU.
a rough exploration of the sensitivity of the "base" solution of
the steady Burgers equation with respect to the location of the
left boundary condition.
a rough exploration of the sensitivity of the "base" solution of
the steady Burgers equation
with respect to the value of the left boundary condition.
a rough exploration of the sensitivity of the "base" solution of the steady Burgers equation
with respect to the viscosity.
a plot of the hyperbolic tangent function, which is essentially the solution
to our simple steady Burgers equation.
a plot of the location where the solution to the steady Burgers equation
changes sign, as a function of the value of alpha, the value specified
at the left boundary.
Last revised on 02 February 2024.