
death_map_2005_vt, the Latex files for a presentation "The Poison Pump and the Spitting Fish" which I gave to the student chapter of SIAM at Virginia Tech on 26 April 2005.

A brief abstract of the talk is:

Discrete geometry looks at the relationship of points and space. The simplest tools for this analysis include the convex hull, the Voronoi diagram, and the Delaunay triangulation. These objects can readily organize and explain many facts of everyday life, from cholera outbreaks to the mating behavior of fish. In this talk, we will concentrate on the Voronoi diagram, defining it, explaining how it can be computed by hand or on the computer. We will even show how it can be computed (approximately) using random numbers. We will mention applications including coding theory, approximate quadrature, sampling, and mesh generation.

A longer abstract is available in death_map_2005_vt.txt.

Files that were used include:

Last revised on 01 February 2024.