"Sparse Grids for Anisotropic Problems",
a talk to a workshop on Uncertainty Quantification,
sponsored by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS)
in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 28 May 2010.
The following files constitute the LaTeX file used
to create the poster:
accuracy_product.png, suggests the precision of a product rule.
accuracy_sparse.png, suggests the precision of a sparse rule.
cc_level6.png, a precision plot for a 2D level 6
Clenshaw Curtis rule.
cc_seqence.png, displays the sequence of 1D rules in a
Clenshaw Curtis family.
ccs_level6.png, a precision plot for a 2D level 6
slow growth Clenshaw Curtis rule.
ccs_seqence.png, displays the sequence of 1D rules in a
slow growth Clenshaw Curtis family.
cgw_boxes_level5.png, indicates the product rules making
a particular anisotropic sparse grid.
cgw_level5_precision.png, the precision plot for
a particular anisotropic sparse grid.
combination_product.png, displays a family of product rules.
combination_sparse.png, displays the product rules that are
combined to form a particular sparse rule.
ghxcc_level4.png, the level 4 sparse grid formed from
a Gauss Hermite family in X and Clenshaw Curtis family
in Y.
grid_product.png, the grid points for a particular product rule.
grid_sparse.png, the grid points for a particular sparse rule.
hmcposter.csl, a class file used to make the poster.
icam_logo.pdf, a logo for Virginia Tech's Interdisciplinary
Center for Applied Mathematics.
rosenbrock_l5.png, the grid points for a particular
anisotropic sparse grid.
a logo.
Last revised on 12 February 2024.