Bar Cart
During my time spent as a graduate student in the department of Scientific Computing, I found that sometimes small distracitons helped me focus in the long term. One such distraction was the FSU surplus auction website. Like many other public academic institutions, FSU goes through a lot of stuff. In order to get rid of some of this stuff and recoup some of the original cost, FSU setup an online auction website.
When FSU first transitioned to the new online format (as opposed to a traditional public monthly auction) not a lot of people knew about it. Thus in the early days, and perhaps now, some real good deals can be had. Which is how I can across a neat little printer cart with a pop-up extension for $5!
I didn't really know what to do with it at first since I only really placed a bid to see how the whole process worked. But after marrying Jamie, a specific use became apparent. One thing they don't really tell you about marriage is how much stuff you end up with. Combining two fully self-sufficient persons along with a wedding registry and large families on both sides results in a butload of stuff. So much stuff in fact that you have to become creative as to how you store this stuff. So I decided to make a bar cart to store the pleathora of glassware we had acquired.