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Ph.D., Scientific Computing
Florida State University
Tallahassee FL, USA
2016 - 2018
Dissertation title:
Contact-Free Simulations of Rigid Particle Suspensions Using Boundary Integral Equations
Sachin Shanbhag
Bryan Quaife
M.Sc., Scientific Computing
Florida State University
Tallahassee FL, USA
2013 - 2016
Thesis title:
Using deal.ii to Solve Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Janet Peterson
Sachin Shanbhag
B.Sc., Mathematics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC, Canada
Submitted or to be submitted
Lukas Bystricky, Sachin Shanbhag, Bryan D. Quaife. Stable contact-free time stepping for dense suspensions, 2018.Richard Allen, Lukas Bystricky, Yuzhou Chen, Glen Colopy, Yifan Cui, Angelica Gonzalez, Yifei Liu, Rebekah White, Rebecca Everett, H. T. Banks, Cynthia Musante. “Improving the Generation and Selection of Virtual Populations in Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Models”. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2017.
Kaitlin L. Lansford, Stephanie A. Borrie, Lukas Bystricky. “Use of Crowdsourcing to Assess the Ecological Validity of Perceptual-Training Paradigms in Dysarthria”. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, vol. 25, pp. 233-239, 2016.
Christoph Waibel, Lukas Bystricky, Ayta ̧c Kubilay, Ralph Evins Jan Carmeliet (2017). “Validation of Grasshopper-based Fast Fluid Dynamics for Air Flow around Buildings in Early Design Stage”. In Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference, pp. 2147-2156, 2017.Presentations at Conferences
Lukas Bystricky, Bryan Quaife, Sachin ShanbhagContact-free Rigid Body Motion Using Boundary Integral Equations
Banff International Research Station Workshop on Complex Creeping Fluids
Oaxaca Mexico
October 2017
Lukas Bystricky, Bryan Quaife, Sachin Shanbhag
Towards Contact-free Rigid Body Simulations
Workshop on Modern Advances in Computational and Applied Mathematics (Poster)
New Haven CT
June 2017
Lukas Bystricky, Bryan Quaife, Sachin Shanbhag
Simulation of Rigid Particle Suspensions Using Boundary Integral Equations
SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference
Tallahassee FL
March 2017
Jacob Spainhour, Lukas Bystricky, John Burkardt
Computational Geometry in Public Policy
SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference (Poster)
Tallahassee FL
March 2017
Lukas Bystricky, Bryan Quaife, Sachin Shanbhag
Modeling 2D Rigid Body Motion Using Boundary Integral Equations
SIAM Computational Science and Engineering
Atlanta GA
February 2017
Lukas Bystricky, Bryan Quaife, Sachin Shanbhag
“Estimating Rheological Properties using Boundary Integral Equations
Society of Rheology Annual Meeting
Tampa Bay FL
February 2017
Lukas Bystricky
Modeling High Altitude Atmospheric Density
SIAM Student Miniconference
Clemson SC
February 2016
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant - Applied Computational Science II
Teaching Assistant - Applied Computational Science II
Florida State University
Spring 2018
Currently workingn on conducting weekly computer lab sessions for a core graduate course. Course covers topics from optimization, numerical PDEs and statistics.
Lecturer - Introduction to Scientific Computing Using Python
Florida State University
Summer 2017
Prepared and taught an introductory three credit object-oriented programming course focusing on applications in scientific computing. Topics from scientific computing included numerical differentiation/integration, Monte Carlo simulations and optimization. Course notes on GitHub.
Teaching Assistant - Applied Computational Science I
Florida State University
Spring 2015
Assisted with weekly lab session for a core graduate course. Course covered topics from numerical linear algebra, function approximation and numerical ordinary differential equations.
Teaching Assistant - Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
Florida State University
Fall 2014, Fall 2016
In charge of weekly computer laboratory session for graduate and senior undergraduate students. Lab topics included Runge-Kutta, finite difference and finite element methods.
Teaching Assistant - Program in Interdisciplinary Computing
Florida State University
Fall 2013 and Spring 2014
Explained advanced Excel features to students of varying computer competency. Graded weekly quizzes and assignments
Industry Experience
Google Summer of Code
Google Inc./Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology
May 2016 - September 2016
IMSM Workshop for Graduate Students
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute/Pfizer
Raleigh NC USA
July 2016
Student Intern
Centre National d'Études Spatiales (French Space Agency)
Toulouse MP, France
June 2015 - December 2015
Assisted with design of specifications for "next generation" orbit and environment modelling of satellites.
Orbit models included: analytic and numeric extrapolation as well as tabled interpolation.
Environment models included: atmospheric density, geopotential, Earth's magnetic field, position of Sun and Moon, tidal forces, and solar pressure.
Research Computing Center Student Intern
Florida State University
Summer 2014
Working with the FSU school of communication disorders helped to set up an online experiment to test users’ abilities to understand dysartric speech after various training conditions. Results have been published in the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Bioinformatics Specialist
Mitomics Inc.
Thunder Bay ON, Canada
September 2012 - June 2013
Principle software developer of tools for statistical analysis of biological laboratory data. Assisted with analysis of large scale DNA data. Work done mainly in C#.
Modelling and Simulations Co-op Student
Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation
Burnaby BC, Canada
May 2010 - September 2011
Maintained and validated semi-empirical fuel cell model. Performed parameter optimization on model to design optimal geometry of cell plate. Work done mainly in MATLAB.
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
Florida State University
Mentored an undergraduate student in mathematics and computer science. Together we looked at applications of the Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation, including image processing/edge detection, creating fair voting districts in the state of Florida and high dimensional reduced order modeling. Some results were presented as a poster at the 2017 SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference.
Poster Judge
Capital Regional Science and Engineering Fair
Judge of high school and middle school posters in the engineering category.
- Boundary integral equations
- Finite element analysis
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Optimization
- Vector calculus
- Complex analysis
General Programming
- C/C++
- C#
- Java
- Python
Specialized Software
- English (fluent)
- French (fluent)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
FSU Student Chapter, Tallahassee FL, USA
2013 - present
FSU Squash Club
2013 - present
FSU Tango Club
2014 - present
Northwestern Ontario Air Search and Rescue Association
Thunder Bay ON, Canada
2012 - 2013
Toastmasters International
Richmond BC, Canada