The Lorenz System

LORENZ_ODE, an Octave code which describes solutions to the Lorenz system.

The Lorenz system, originally intended as a simplified model of atmospheric convection, has instead become a standard example of sensitive dependence on initial conditions; that is, tiny differences in the starting condition for the system rapidly become magnified. The system also exhibits what is known as the "Lorenz attractor", that is, the collection of trajectories for different starting points tends to approach a peculiar butterfly-shaped region.

The Lorenz system includes three ordinary differential equations:

        dx/dt = sigma ( y - x )
        dy/dt = x ( rho - z ) - y
        dz/dt = xy - beta z
where the parameters beta, rho and sigma are usually assumed to be positive. The classic case uses the parameter values
        beta = 8 / 3
        rho = 28
        sigma - 10

The initial conditions for this system are not often specified; rather, investigators simply note that the trajectories associated with two very close starting points will eventually separate. However, simply to get started, we can suggest the following starting values at t=0:

        x = 8
        y = 1
        z = 1


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


lorenz_ode is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version.

Related Data and codes:

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lorenz_cluster, an Octave code which takes a set of N points on a trajectory of solutions to the Lorenz equations, and applies the K-means algorithm to organize the data into K clusters.


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sir_ode, an Octave code which sets up the ordinary differential equations (ODE) which simulate the spread of a disease using the Susceptible/Infected/Recovered (SIR) model.

sphere_ode, an Octave code which sets up the ordinary differential equations (ODE) which model motion on the surface of a sphere.

stiff_ode, an Octave code which considers an ordinary differential equation (ODE) which is an example of a stiff ODE.

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two_body_ode, an Octave code which simulates the behavior of two bodies, constrained to lie in a plane, moving under the influence of gravity, with one body much more massive than the other.

zombie_ode, an Octave code which sets up a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) for a generalized SIR infection model to simulate a zombie attack, developed by Philip Munz.


  1. Edward Lorenz,
    Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow,
    Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,
    Volume 20, Number 2, 1963, pages 130-141.

Source Code:

Last revised on 12 November 2020.