paraview, examples which illustrate the use of paraview, which is an interactive graphics program for 2D and 3D data sets.
paraview is available from
MEDIT, examples which illustrate the use of the medit graphics program, by Pascal Frey.
TETVIEW, examples which illustrate the use of the tetview graphics program.
TRIANGULATION_DISPLAY, a MATLAB program which displays the nodes and elements of a triangulation on the MATLAB graphics screen;
TRIANGULATION_DISPLAY_OPENGL, a C++ program which reads files defining a 2D triangulation and displays an image using OpenGL.
VISIT, examples which illustrate the use of the visit graphics program.
BLNTFIN.VTS is a VTK file which contains information depicting the flow of air over a flat plate with a blunt fin. The extension ".vts" indicates that it stores a curvilinear data set, that is, a structured grid.
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