
examples, examples which illustrate the use of particular system programs or applications.

  1. apt, examples which illustrate the use of apt, an application manager for Linux.
  2. bash_shell, examples which illustrate the use of bash, which is a scripting language for Unix systems;
  3. cplex, examples which call cplex(), which is an IBM optimization package which defines and solves a variety of linear programming problems, as well as network flow problems, quadratic programming problems, and mixed integer programming problems.
  4. cplex_slurm_arc, examples which uses the slurm() job scheduler to submit a cplex() job to Virginia Tech's Advanced Research Computing (ARC) computer cluster.
  5. cuda, examples which illustrate the use of cuda(), an extension to the C language which enables parallel programming on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU);
  6. dealii_slurm_rcc, a SLURM script which runs the DEAL.II step-1 example on the FSU Research Computing Center (RCC) computer cluster. It is included here primarily to illustrate the steps necessary to run a program that uses DEAL.II.
  7. eigen, examples which illustrate the use of eigen(), a C++ template library for linear algebra, including natural and usable definitions of vectors and matrices, norms, factorizations, solution of linear systems, evaluation of eigenvalues, and many standard linear algebra algorithms for dense and sparse matrices.
  8. fem_meshing, examples which look at some simple issues in defining a geometric mesh for the finite element method (FEM) in 2D.
  9. gmsh, examples which illustrate the use of gmsh(), which is a mesh generator for 1D/2D/3D regions, especially usefule for the finite element method (FEM), or other computations that need a discretized geometric model.
  10. gnuplot, examples which illustrate the use of gnuplot(), which is an interactive graphing program.
  11. gurobi, examples which call gurobi(), which is an mathematical programming package for optimization, solving problems in linear programming, mixed integer programming, and mixed integer quadratic programming.
  12. here_document, examples which illustrate the creation and use of "here documents".
  13. imagemagick, examples which illustrate the use of imagemagick(), which is a program that can create, edit, compose or convert graphical information as stored in many different file formats. The code can resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.
  14. mandelbrot, examples which illustrate the computation of the Mandelbrot set, which is defined as the set of points which remain bounded under a given iteration.
  15. mathjax, examples which illustrate the use of mathjax(), which is a system for displaying mathematical notation in a web page.
  16. meshlab, examples which illustrate the use of meshlab(), which is an advanced mesh processing system for automatic or user-assisted editing, cleaning, filtering, converting and rendering of large unstructured 3D triangular meshes.
  17. paraview, examples which illustrate the use of paraview(), which is an interactive graphics program for 2D and 3D data sets.
  18. pbs_psc, examples which use PBS, which is the Portable Batch Scheduler (PBS), which controls the submission and execution of user programs on the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) computer clusters.
  19. scip, examples which call scip(), which is a code which solves mixed integer programming and mixed integer nonlinear programming problems.
  20. sed, examples which call sed(), which is a stream editor for large scale editing jobs.
  21. slurm_rcc, examples which use slurm(), which is a job scheduler for batch execution of jobs on the FSU Research Computing Center (RCC) computer cluster.
  22. slurm_h2p, examples which demonstrate the use of the SLURM batch job scheduler for the h2p computer cluster, as administered by the Center for Research Computing (CRC) at the University of Pittsburgh.
  23. tetgen, a C++ code which creates a 3D mesh of tetrahedrons, suitable for use in finite element or finite volume calculations, with the mesh satisfying the 3D Delaunay criterion. The code is by Hang Si.
  24. tethex, examples which illustrate the use of tethex(), a C++ code which reads a Gmsh file defining a mesh of triangles or tetrahedrons, and subdivides the mesh into quadrilaterals or hexahedrons, which are suitable for use by the DEALII finite element program, by Mikhail Artemiev.
  25. tetview, examples which illustrate the use of tetview(), which is an interactive graphics program for 3D data, by Hang Si.
  26. tikz, examples which illustrate the use of tikz(), which is a drawing package for use in TEX and LATEX documents;
  27. visit, examples which illustrate the use of visit(), which is an interactive graphics program for the visualization of 2D and 3D scientific data sets.
  28. voronoi_diagram, examples which illustrate the computation and use of a Voronoi diagram.
  29. xargs, examples which illustrate the use of xargs() to pipe the output of one command into another.

Last revised on 01 October 2024.