Dr. Ming Ye
Ph.D., University of Arizona
Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science (EOAS)
Office: 303 Carraway Building
Department of Scientific Computing (SC)
Office: 489 Dirac Science Library
Phone: (850) 644-4587
Fax: (850) 644-0098 Email: mye@fsu.edu<\

ArcNLET: ArcGIS-Based Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit is available for free download at
ArcNLET Website
VZMOD: Vadose Zone MODel for simulation of nitrogen transformation and transport is available for free download at
VZMOD Website
Project Title:
Developing a GIS-Based Software for Estimating Nitrate Fate and Transport from Septic Systems in Surficial Aquifers
- Dr. Paul Z. Lee at Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- Dr. Amy Chan-Hilton at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, FSU
- Dr. Tingting Zhao at Department of Geography, FSU
Fernando Rios (former student, now at SUNY Buffalo) was awarded the Graduate Scholarship and Fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to continue his research on nitrate transport modeling.
An important input variable to the watershed TMDL estimation is the nutrient load, especially
nitrate, from the residential septic systems (On-site Wastewater Treatment System) to the nearby
surface water body. However, estimating the nutrient load has been a long-lasting challenge.
This project is to develop a simplified model that is sufficient and practically accurate for planning and management
purposes. In addition, we propose to implement it within the GIS framework, i.e., as an ArcGIS extension.
This will make the model user friendly, greatly reduce the time of preparing and
inputting/outputting data, and provide an instantaneous visualization of modeling results. More
importantly, using the GIS enables us to incorporate the spatial distribution of septic systems and
targeted surface water body, which, as discussed below, is an important factor for estimating the
nutrient load. Such visualization is crucial to communicate the scientific results to the general
public, the management leadership, the planners and the public officials/decision makers.
Project Activities:
- March 12, 2015: Dr. Ye gave a presentation at the Florida Deparment of Environmental Protection to introdue new development of ArcNLET functions of simulating ammonium and nitrate transport in vadose zone and groundwater. Presentation Slides.
- November 17, 2014: Dr. Ye and Dr. Sayemuzzaman gave presentations to the Department of Utility Services of the Indian River County on ArcNLET modeling for the South and Central Canals. Presentation Slides.
- October 16, 2014: Dr. Ye gave a presentation to the Environmental Protection Division of Orange County on ArcNLET modeling for Lake Roberts. Presentation Slides.
- June 23, 2014: Dr. Mohammad Sayemuzzaman join our group as a post-doc to work on the FDEP project on nitrogen transport modeling. Sayem's Profile
- May 13, 2014: Dr. Ye gave a presentation at the Indian River Lagoon Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs) Nutrient Reduction Projects Meeting. Presentation Slides.
- February 18, 2014: Dr. Yan Zhu joined our group as a post-doc working on the FDEP project on nitrate transport modeling. Yan's Profile
- February 12, 2014: Dr. Ye gave a presentation at the St. Lucie River and Estuay Basin Management Action Plan Technical Meeting to present our nitrogen load modeling conducted for the City of Port Lucie, City of Stuart, and Martin County. Presentation Slides.
- July 24, 2013: ArcNLET 2.0 for ArcGIS 10.0 is released for free download online.
- September 19, 2013: ArcNLET 2.01 for ArcGIS 10.0 is released for free download online.
- May 30, 2013: ArcNLET 1.1 of ArcGIS 10.1 is released for free download online.
- March 7, 2013: Ming Ye gave an invited presentation of the ArcNLET software to the Lower St. Johns River Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
- September 25, 2012: Working with colleagues from the City of Jacksonville and CDM-Smith, we conducted a field trip to investigate hydrogeologic conditions at Eggleston Height and Julington Creek.
- March 15, 2012: We released VZMOD software for free download at the software website.
- January 26, 2012: The FSU team and FDEP staff gave a presentation to the City of Jaconville. Presentation Slides
- November 7, 2011: Ming Ye gave an invited presentation to the Leon County Water Resources Committee.
- Steptember 9, 2011: Ming Ye gave an invited presentation at the Florida Stormwater Association annunal meeting. Presentation Slides.
- August 11, 2011: Release ArcNLET version 1.1 for both ArcGIS 9.3 and 10.
- July 8, 2011: The first software training workshop was given to people from state and local government agencies and companies.
- June 15, 2011: Raoul Fernandes defended his master thesis entitled "Statistical Methods for Estimating the Denitrification Rate"[Download Thesis].
- June 7, 2011: Liying gave an oral presentation entitled "Use of an ArcGIS based software for estimation of nitrate load from septic systems to St. Johns River in Jacksonville, FL." at the MODFLOW and More Conference. Presentation Slides
- April 14, 2011, Raoul presented his work on development of an artificial neural network for estimating denitrification rate in the EXPO student symposium of the Department of Scientific Computing.
- April 4, 2011, We submitted a conference proceeding to the MODFLOW and MORE 2011 conference and Liying will give an oral presentation on the conference.
- March 29, 2011, Dr. Ye gave an invited presentation at the SHRUG annunal meeting. Presentation Slides.
- January 20, 2011, We gave a one-day training course of the developed software to staff of FDEP and JEA.
- December 9, 2010, Our group (Fernando, Liying, and Ming) had a field trip to the Julington Creek and Eggleston Height neighborhoods in Jacksonville, FL for the nitrate transport project ( Jacksonville Field Trip) and gave a presentation to the City of Jacksonville ( Presentation Slides)
- November 5, 2010: Our group (Rios, Fernandes, Liying, and Ye) gave a presentation at
at the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) on nitrate transport modeling. Presentation Slides
- October 22, 2010: Fernando Rios defended his master thesis entitled "A GIS-Based Model for Estimating Nitrate Fate and Transport from Septic Systems in Surficial Aquifers". Download Thesis
- September 29, 2010: Dr. Ming Ye presented at the 2010 FESC Summit the research on environmental impact of biofuel renewable energy. Download Presentation Slides
- September 17, 2010: Our group gave a seminar at FDEP about the developed ArcGIS extension on modeling nitrate fate and transport. Download Presentation Slides
- April 28, 2010: Fernando Rios presented at the 2010 ESRI Southwest Regional User Group Conference his research on develoloping an ArcGIS extension for modeling nitrate fate and transport from septic tanks to surface water body. Download Presentation Slides
- October 30, 2009: Project Presentation at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Download Presentation Slides
Conference Abstracts:
- Ye, M., L. Wang, P.Z. Lee, R.W. Hicks (2014), Uncertainty analysis for estimating nitrate loads from septic tanks to surface water bodies, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2014, June 1 - 5, Portland, OR.
- Ye, M. and R.W. Hicks (2013), ArcNLET: An ArcGIS-based software for estimation of nitrogen load from septic systems to surface water bodies, 8th IAHS International Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ13), Gainesville, FL.
- Sun, H., M. Ye, E. Roeder, R.W. Hicks (2013), Characterization of spatial and seasonal variation of groundwater nitrogen in septic areas, 8th IAHS International Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ13), Gainesville, FL.
- Potratz, N., M. Ye, and R.W. Hicks (2013), Clustering analysis of groundwater quality data in septic areas, 8th IAHS International Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ13), Gainesville, FL.
- Ye, M., J.F. Rios, L. Wang, P.Z. Lee, and R.W. Hicks (2011), Estimation of Nitrate Load from Septic Systems to Surface Water Bodies Using ArcNLET: an ArcGIS-Based Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit, Florida Stormwater Association Annual Meeting, September 9, 2011, Orlando, FL.
- Wang, L., M. Ye, J.F. Rios, and P.Z. Lee (2011), Use of an ArcGIS based software for estimation of nitrate load from septic systems to St. Johns River in Jacksonville, FL., MODFLOW and More 2011Conference, June 5 - 8, 2011, Golden, CO.
- Ye, M., Arc-NLET: Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit, SHRUG annual meeting, March 29, 2011, Tallahassee, Florida.
- Rios F., M. Ye, P. Lee, R. Fernandes, T. Zhao, and A. Chan-Hilton, Estimation of Hydrologic Environmental Impacts of Nitrate Contamination from Energy Biomass Resources Development, FESC Summit 2010, September 28-29, Orlando, Florida.
- Rios, J.F., M. Ye, P. Lee, R. Fernandes, and T. Zhao (2010), Developing an ArcGIS Extension for Estimating Nitrate Fate and Transport, ERSI Sootheast Regional User Group Conference, April 26-28, Charlotte, NC.
Technical Reports:
Lei, H. and M. Ye (2016), Estimation of Nitrogen Load from Septic Systems to Surface Waterbodies in Kings Bay, Citrus County, FL., Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Ye, M., Y. Zhu, and M. Sayemuzzaman (2015), Estimation of Groundwater Seepage and Nitrogen Load from Septic Systems to Lakes Marshall, Roberts, Weir, and Denham, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Sayemuzzaman, M. and M. Ye (2014), Estimation of Nitrogen Load from Septic System to Surface Waterbodies in East Palatka, Putnam County, FL., Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Sayemuzzaman, M. and M. Ye(2014), Estimation of Nitrogen Load from Septic Systems to Surface Waterbodies in Welaka Town, Putnam County, FL., Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Ye, M. and H. Sun (2013), Estimation of Nitrogen Load from Removed Septic Systems to Surface Water Bodies in the City of Port St. Lucie, the City of Stuart, and Martin County, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Conference Proceedings:
Sayemuzzaman, M., M. Ye, Y. Zhu, R. Hicks, and L. Shi (2015), Simulation of Nitrogen Transport in Surficial Aquifer and Estimation of Nitrogen Load from Septic Systems in the Indian River LAgoon Area, Florida, Annual Conference of the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 17 - 21, 2015, Austin, TX.
Wang, L., M. Ye, J.F. Rios, and P.Z. Lee (2011), Use of an ArcGIS based software for estimation of nitrate load from septic systems to St. Johns River in Jacksonville, FL., MODFLOW and More 2011Conference, June 5 - 8, 2011, Golden, CO.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
Rios, J.F.(student), M. Ye, and L. Wang (2011), uWATER-PA: Ubiquitous WebGIS Analysis Toolkit for Extensive Resources - Pumping Assessment, Ground Water, DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00872.x.
Rios, J.F. (student), M. Ye, L. Wang, P.Z. Lee, H. Davis, and R.W. Hicks (2013), ArcNLET: A GIS-based software to simulate groundwater nitrate load from septic systems to surface water bodies, Computers and Geosciences, 52, 108-116, 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.10.003.
Wang, L. (post-doc), M. Ye, J.F. Rios, R. Fernandes, P.Z. Lee, and R.W. Hicks (2013), Estimati on of nitrate load from septic systems to surface water bodies using an ArcGIS-based software, Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-013-2283-5.
Wang, L. (post-doc), M. Ye, P.Z. Lee, and R.W. Hicks (2013), Support of sustainable management of nitrogen contamination due to septic systems using numerical modeling methods, Environment Systems and Decisions, doi:10.1007/s10669-013-9445-6.
Zhu, Y. (post-doc), M. Ye, E. Roeder, R.W. Hicks, L. Shi, and J. Yang (2016), Estimating ammonium and nitrate load from septic systems to surface water bodies within ArcGIS environments, Journal of Hydrology, 532, 177-192, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.11.017.