
  1. careers_2025_pitt.pdf, a presentation on career options, made to the Math 1080 Numerical Linear Algebra class in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Pittsburgh, on 10 March 2025.
  2. mesh_2021_pitt.pdf, "This is a fine mesh you've gotten me into!", a talk on generating meshes, presented to the Mathematics Club at Pitt, University of Pittsburgh, 26 October 2021.
  3. cvt_periodic_2016_fsu.pdf, "A periodic Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation"; presented at the Scientific Communication Conference, Florida State University, 03 August 2016;
  4. mesh_2016_greensburg.pdf, "My Computer Dreams in Triangles", a talk on generating meshes, presented to the Conference for Careers and Undergraduate Research in the Natural Sciences, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, 16 April 2016.
  5. mesh_2016_fsu.pdf, "How to Make a Mesh", a talk on generating meshes, presented to the FSU Department of Scientific Computing Graduate Student Seminar ISC5934, 22 January 2016.
  6. careers_2016_fsu.pdf, "Thoughts on the job process for Ph.D.-level jobs in mathematics and computational mathematics", a presentation by an anonymous speaker, Florida State University, 12 January 2016.
  7. snakes_2014_fsu.pdf, "Snakes and Ladders", a presentation to Max Gunzburger's research group, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 16 September 2014.
  8. mesh_2014_fsu.pdf, "How to Make a Mesh", a talk on generating meshes in two dimensions, presented to the FSU Department of Scientific Computing Graduate Student Seminar ISC5934, 11 April 2014.
  9. slow_growth_2014_savannah.pdf, "Slow Growth for Sparse Grids", a presentation for the SIAM Uncertainty Quantification meeting, 31 March - 03 April 2014.
  10. sparse_2014_fsu.pdf, "Sparse Grid Collocation for Uncertainty Quantification", presented to Max Gunzburger's research group, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 13 February 2014.
  11. sparse_interpolant_2013_fsu.pdf, "The Sparse Grid Interpolant", FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 13 September 2013.
  12. mpi_2012_acs2_exercises.pdf, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI: Exercises", presented to the Advanced Computational Science II class, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 23 October 2012.
  13. mpi_2012_acs2.pdf, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI", presented to the Advanced Computational Science II class, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 18/23 October 2012.
  14. matlab_parfor_2012_fsu.pdf, "Parfor for MATLAB", a talk on parallel programming with PARFOR in MATLAB, given in the Summer Seminar Series, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 24/26 July 2012.
  15. mpi_2012_fsu.pdf, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI", presented to the Parallel and Distributed Monte Carlo Methods class, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 13 July 2012.
  16. mesh_2012_fsu.pdf, "How to Make a Mesh", a talk on generating meshes for 2D, 2.5D, and 3D, Summer Seminar Series, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 10/12 July 2012.
  17. matlab_fast_2012_tulane.pdf, "Maximum MATLAB", a talk presented to the mathematics graduate students, Tulane University, New Orleans, 12 January 2012;
  18. mpi_2011_acs2_exercises.pdf, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI: Exercises", presented to the Advanced Computational Science II class, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 01 November 2011.
  19. mpi_2011_acs2.pdf, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI", presented to the Advanced Computational Science II class, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 25/27 October 2011.
  20. matlab_spmd_2011_vt.pdf, "Parallel MATLAB: Single Program Multiple Data", a presentation to the Mathematics Department at Virginia Tech, 02 June 2011;
  21. matlab_parfor_2011_vt.pdf, "Parallel MATLAB: Parallel FOR Loops", a presentation to the Mathematics Department at Virginia Tech, 31 May 2011;
  22. matlab_parallel_2011_fsu.pdf, "Parallel MATLAB at FSU: PARFOR and SPMD", FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 31 March 2011.
  23. matlab_fast_2010_fsu, "Fast Programs, Big Problems" presented to the class ISC 3222-01, "Symbolic and Numeric Calculations", Professor Ming Ye, 12:20-1:10pm, 152 DSL, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 19/22 November 2010.
  24. mpi_2008_acs2.pdf, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI", presented to the Advanced Computational Science II class, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 16/18 October 2008.
  25. mpi_2008_acs2_exercises.pdf, "Distributed Memory Programming with MPI: Exercises", presented to the Advanced Computational Science II class, FSU Department of Scientific Computing, 16/18 October 2008.
  26. mpi2_2008_vt.pdf, "Using MPI", presented to the Faculty Development Institute Summer Track V class, Virginia Tech, 10-12 June 2008.
  27. mpi1_2008_vt.pdf, "Introductory MPI", presented to the Faculty Development Institute Summer Track V class, Virginia Tech, 10-12 June 2008.
  28. freefem_chrispell, John Chrispell, Jason Howell,
    Finite Element Approximation of Partial Differential Equations Using FreeFem++, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Numerical Analysis,
    presented to the SIAM Student Chapter Seminar,
    University of South Carolina,
    13 February 2007.
  29. mpi_2005_fsu.pdf, "Introduction to MPI", presented to the Graduate Seminar, FSU School of Computational Science, 21 October 2005.
  30. cvt_basis_2002_fsu.pdf, "The CVT Basis Generation Algorithm", Florida State University, 02 December 2002.
  31. delaunay_refinement.pdf, "The Number of Nodes in Delaunay Mesh Refinement on a Sphere", Florida State University;
  32. multigrid_poisson_1d.pdf, "Multigrid Iterative Solution of Poisson's Equation in 1D", FSU Department of Scientific Computing;
  33. peridynamic_quadrature.pdf, "Quadrature Rules for Peridynamics Problems", by Miroslav Stoyanov, FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  34. sgmga_1d_rules.pdf, "1D Quadrature Rules for Sparse Grids", FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  35. sgmga_ccs.pdf, "Slow Exponential Growth for Clenshaw Curtis Sparse Grids", FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  36. sgmga_coefficient.pdf, "The Combining Coefficient for Anisotropic Sparse Grids", FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  37. sgmga_counting.pdf, "Counting the Abscissas in Sparse Grids", FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  38. sgmga_gls.pdf, "Slow Growth for Gauss Legendre Sparse Grids", FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  39. sgmga_gps.pdf, "Slow Exponential Growth for Gauss Patterson Sparse Grids", FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  40. sgmga_precision.pdf, "On the precision of certain multidimensional quadrature schemes", FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
  41. slow_growth_paper.pdf, "On a Slow Growth Rule for Sparse Grids", FSU Department of Scientific Computing.

Last revised on 25 January 2025.