MATLAB_PARALLEL_2015_VT, information associated with a presentation about parallel programming with MATLAB, sponsored by the Networked Learning Initiatives, presented by Justin Krometis, 2015.


  1. matlab_parallel_2015_vt.pdf, slides for the lecture.
  2. matlab_parallel_2015_vt.tex, LATEX source code for the slides.

Auxilliary files for the document:

  1. boat.png
  2. fmincon_control.png
  3. fmincon_path.png
  4. local_matlab.png
  5. md.png
  6. md_profile.pdf
  7. md_speedup.png
  8. narfi_2.pdf
  9. ode_maximum.png
  10. ode_sweep_parfor.png
  11. parallel_matlab.png
  12. par_for_vars.pdf
  13. path.pdf
  14. prime.png
  15. quad.png
  16. sliced.pdf
  17. spring_mass.png
  18. vars_ex.pdf
  19. vt_logo.pdf

Tests and examples:

  1. quad_batch_ithaca.m
  2. quad_batch_local.m
  3. quad_fun_a.m
  4. quad_fun.m
  5. quad_pool.m
  6. quad_script.m

You can go up one level to the Workshops page.

Last revised on 27 February 2018.