From 28 July to 02 August, I was one of the instructors for a 6 day workshop on high performance parallel computing, known as the "HPPC Bootcamp". The workshop was jointly sponsored by Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia.

Instructors: John Burkardt, Nicholas Polys, Cal Ribbens.

Official Description of the Bootcamp:

Purpose: This course introduces high-performance parallel computing. The course is targeted at graduate students, staff, and faculty with computational science and engineering problems that demand high performance. When successfully completed the attendee will know how to:

Day 1
Parallel Programming Concepts
28 August 2008

The lecture notes are available as hppc_2008_lecture1.pdf "Parallel Programming Concepts", for 28 July 2008;

A detailed set of instructions for the hands on session is available as Day 1 Hands On Instructions

The afternoon hands on session requires access to source codes, which are available here:

  1. hello, the "Hello, World!" program for exercise #1.
  2. sum_million, a sketch of the program you will need to write for exercise #2.
  3. linpack_bench, the Linpack benchmark for exercise #3;
  4. fft, a Fast Fourier Transform program which computes time and MegaFLOPS, for exercise #4.
  5. md, a molecular dynamics program for exercise #5.
    heated_plate, a program to solve the steady state heat equation in a rectangular region, for exercise #5;

Day 4
Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP
31 August 2008

The lecture notes are available as hppc_2008_lecture4.pdf "Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP", for 31 July 2008;

A detailed set of instructions for the hands on session is available as Day 4 Hands On Instructions

The afternoon hands on session requires access to source codes, which are available here:

  1. hello, the OpenMP version of the "Hello, World!" program for exercise #1.
  2. quad, a sketch of the program you will need to write for exercise #2.
  3. fft, a Fast Fourier Transform program which computes time and MegaFLOPS, for exercise #3.
  4. md, a molecular dynamics program for exercise #4.
  5. heated_plate, a program to solve the steady state heat equation in a rectangular region, for exercise #5;
    grid_to_bmp, a C++ program which can display the solution produced by heated_plate, for exercise #5.

You can go up one level to the VT2 page.

Last revised on 20 July 2008.