gaussseidel, an R library which uses Gauss Seidel iteration to solve a linear system.
Copyright 2016 James P. Howard, II
The computer code and data files on this web page are distributed under the BSD-2-Clause license.
gaussseidel is available in an R version.
eros, an R library which implements the Elementary Row Operations (EROs).
jacobi, an R library which uses Jacobi iteration to solve a linear system.
lumatrix, an R library which computes the Lower-Upper Triangular (LU) factorization of a matrix.
refmatrix, an R library which computes the Row Echelon Form (REF) of a matrix.
rrefmatrix, an R library which computes the Row Reduced Echelon Form (RREF) of a matrix.
vecnorm, an R library which computes the L2 norm of a vector.
Original R code by James Howard; Modifications by John Burkardt.