
hamming, a Python code which implements some simple versions of Hamming codes which can detect and correct errors in data.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


hamming is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version.

Related Data and Programs:

bank, a Python code which computes the check digit associated with a US Bank Routing Number check digit, or it reports whether a 9-digit code is actually valid.

isbn, a Python code which determines the check digit for an International Standard Book Number or reports whether a given ISBN is valid.

luhn, a Python code which computes the Luhn check digit for a string, or validates a string.

rot13, a Python code which enciphers a string using the ROT13 cipher for letters, and the ROT5 cipher for digits.

upc, a Python code which determines the check digit for a Uniform Product Code (UPC) or report whether a given UPC is valid.

vin, a Python code which computes the check digit for a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), or verifies that a given VIN is legitimate.


  1. Nick Berry,
    Hamming Codes,
    Posted 04 January 2016.

Source Code:

Last modified on 12 October 2022.