triangulation_t3_to_t4, an Octave code which reads information describing a triangulation of a set of points using 3-node "T3" triangles, and creates a 4-node "T4" triangulation.
The same number of triangles are used, but each triangle is given one extra node at the centroid. The coordinates of these nodes are determined by averaging the coordinates of the vertices of the triangles.
The input and output files use the simple TABLE format; comment lines begin with a "#" character. Otherwise, each line of the file contains one set of information, either the coordinates of a node (for a node file), or the indices of nodes that make up a triangle, (for a triangle file).
The input file prefix_nodes.txt contains the node information for the 3-node triangulation. Each data line contains the X and Y coordinates of a single node.
The input file prefix_elements.txt contains the triangle information for the 3-node triangulation. Each line contains the indices of three nodes that form a triangle, in counterclockwise order.
The output file prefix_t4_nodes.txt contains the node information for the 4-node triangulation. It begins with the node information from prefix_nodes.txt, followed by the coordinates of the new nodes.
The output file prefix_t4_triangles.txt contains the triangle information for the 4-node triangulation. There are exactly as many triangles as before, but now each triangle uses four nodes. Each line of the file contains the indices of 4 nodes that form the triangle. The first three indices are the vertices, in counterclockwise order. The fourth index is the centroid node..
triangulation_t3_to_t4 ( 'prefix' )where 'prefix' is the common filename prefix:
The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.
triangulation_t3_to_t4 is available in a C++ version and a Fortran90 version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version.
fem_basis_t3_display, an Octave code which displays a basis function associated with a 4-node triangle "t3" mesh.
fem_basis_t4_display, an Octave code which displays a basis function associated with a 4-node triangle "t4" mesh.
mesh_to_xml, an Octave code which reads information defining a 1d, 2d or 3d mesh, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a corresponding xml file for input to dolfin or fenics.
triangulation, an Octave code which carries out various operations on order 3 ("linear") or order 6 ("quadratic") triangulations.
triangulation_boundary_edges, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangulation, determines which edges lie on the boundary, organizes them into connected components, and writes this information to a file.
triangulation_boundary_nodes, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangulation, determines which nodes lie on the boundary, and writes their coordinates to a file.
triangulation_corner, an Octave code which patches triangulations so that no triangle has two sides on the boundary.
triangulation_delaunay_discrepancy, an Octave code which measures the amount by which a triangulation fails the local delaunay test;
triangulation_histogram, an Octave code which computes histograms of data over a triangulation.
triangulation_l2q, an Octave code which reads data defining a 3-node triangulation and refines it to a 6-node triangulation.
triangulation_mask, an Octave code which takes an existing triangulation and deletes triangles and their corresponding nodes as requested by the user.
triangulation_order3, a directory which contains a description and examples of order 3 triangulations.
triangulation_order4, a directory which contains a description and examples of order 4 triangulations.
triangulation_orient, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangulation, makes sure that every triangle has positive orientation, and if not, writes a corrected triangle file.
triangulation_plot, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangulation and creates a postscript image of the nodes and triangles.
triangulation_quad, an Octave code which estimates the integral of a function over a triangulated region.
triangulation_quality, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangulation and computes a number of quality measures.
triangulation_rcm, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangulation, determines an ordering of the nodes that will reduce the bandwidth of the adjacency matrix, and writes the new triangulation information to a file.
triangulation_refine, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangulation, replaces each triangle by four congruent smaller ones, and writes the new triangulation information to a file.
triangulation_triangle_neighbors, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangulation, determines the neighboring triangles of each triangle, and writes that information to a file.