
tensor_grid_display, an Octave code which displays the points of a 1D/2D/3D tensor product grid formed by the same rule in each dimension, but allowing the order of points in each dimension to vary.

For instance, it is legal to request a 3D grid using the Gauss-Legendre rule in each dimension, but with 3 points in X, 9 points in Y, and 5 points in Z.


tensor_grid_display ( m, n_1d, rule )

The codes for quadrature rules are:


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


tensor_grid_display is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.

Related Data and Programs:


cc_display, an Octave code which displays points on various grids derived from the Clenshaw Curtis rule.

circle_grid_display, an Octave code which reads a matrix of integers, and draws a corresponding grid of circles filled with color.

gl_display, an Octave code which displays points on various grids derived from the Gauss-Legendre rule.

grid_display, an Octave code which reads a file of points on a grid or sparse grid, displays the grid and saves the image in a PNG file;

grids_display, an Octave code which reads two files of grids or sparse grids, displays the first with hollow blue dots, the second with red dots.

nested_sequence_display, an Octave code which displays a set of nested sequences.

quad_rule, an Octave code which defines quadrature rules for 1D domains.

sequence_streak_display, an Octave code which displays a streak plot of a numeric sequence;

Source Code:

Last revised on 07 July 2023.