
steinerberger, an Octave code which evaluates the Steinerberger functions f(n,x), which are continuous but have derivative discontinuities, are hard to accurately plot, interpolate, integrate, and minimize.


The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.


steinerberger is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.

Related Data and Programs:


fn, an Octave code which approximates elementary and special functions using Chebyshev polynomials, by Wayne Fullerton.

polpak, an Octave code which evaluates a variety of mathematical functions.


  1. John D Cook,
    Pushing numerical integration software to its limits,
    Posted 12 June 2023.
  2. John D Cook,
    Plotting a function with lots of local minima,
    Posted 12 June 2023.
  3. Stefan Steinerberger,
    A amusing sequence of functions,
    Mathematics Magazine,
    Volume 91, Number 4, October 2018, pages 262-266.

Source Code:

Last modified on 17 June 2024.