polygonal_surface_display, an Octave code which gets the names of the node and face files defining a polygonal surface, reads the information from the files, and displays the surface on the screen.
polygonal_surface_display ( 'node_file', 'face_file' )where
The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.
polygonal_surface_display is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.
ball_and_stick_display, an Octave code which demonstrates the creation of a 3d "ball and stick" image;
bezier_surface_display, an Octave code which reads two files defining a Bezier surface and displays it.
fem_basis_t3_display, an Octave code which displays a basis function associated with a linear triangle ("t3") mesh.
fem_basis_t6_display, an Octave code which reads a quadratic triangle mesh and displays any associated basis function.
mesh_display, an Octave code which reads data defining a polygonal mesh and displays it, with optional numbering.
obj_display, an Octave code which reads an OBJ file defining a 3d object and displays it.
polygonal_surface, a data directory which contains examples of polygonal surface files.
quadrilateral_surface_display, an Octave code which reads files defining a 3d quadrilateral mesh surface and displays it.
stla_display, an Octave code which reads an ascii stl file and displays it.
tet_mesh_display, an Octave code which reads files defining a tet mesh and displays an image within MATLAB.
tri_surface_display, an Octave code which reads data defining a triangular mesh of a 3d surface and displays it.
triangulation_order1_display, an Octave code which reads files defining a piecewise constant triangulation of data, and displays a corresponding 3d surface.