
mm_to_msm, an Octave code which reads a matrix stored in Matrix Market (MM) format, and converts it into MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM) format.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


mm_to_msm is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.

Related Data and Programs:


mm, a data directory which describes a file format for storing large sparse matrices in files, as well as a web site where many such files can be found.

mm_io, an Octave code which reads and writes sparse linear systems stored in the Matrix Market (MM) format.

mm_to_st, an Octave code which reads the sparse matrix information from an Matrix Market (MM) file and writes a corresponding Sparse Triplet (ST) file.

msm_to_mm, an Octave code which writes a MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM) to a Matrix Market (MM) file;

st_to_msm, an Octave code which reads an sparse triplet (ST) file and creates a corresponding MATLAB Sparse Matrix (MSM).

test_mat, an Octave code which defines test matrices.


  1. Ronald Boisvert, Roldan Pozo, Karin Remington,
    The Matrix Market Exchange Formats: Initial Design,
    National Institute of Standards and Technology,
    NISTIR 5935, December 1996

Source Code:

Last revised on 04 June 2023.