
mcnuggets_diophantine, an Octave code which finds the ways a given number N of Chicken McNuggets can be assembled, given that they are only available in packages of 6, 9, and 20.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


mcnuggets_diophantine is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version.

Related Programs:


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change_greedy, an Octave code which uses the greedy method to seek a solution to the change making problem, which tries to match a given amount by selecting coins of various denominations.

change_polynomial, an Octave code which uses a polynomial multiplication algorithm to count the ways of making various sums using a given number of coins.

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subset_sum_brute, an Octave code which uses brute force to solve the subset sum problem, to find a subset of a set of integers which has a given sum.

test_values, an Octave code which supplies test values of various mathematical functions, including Abramowitz, AGM, Airy, Bell, Bernoulli, Bessel, Beta, Binomial, Bivariate Normal, Catalan, Cauchy, Chebyshev, Chi Square, Clausen, Clebsch Gordan, Collatz, Cosine integral, Dawson, Debye, Dedekind, dilogarithm, Exponential integral, Elliptic, Error, Euler, Exponential integral, F probability, Fresnel, Frobenius, Gamma, Gegenbauer, Goodwin, Gudermannian, Harmonic, Hermite, Hypergeometric, inverse trigonometic, Jacobi, Julian Ephemeris Date, Kelvin, Laguerre, Laplace, Legendre, Lerch, Lobachevsky, Lobatto, Logarithmic integral, Log normal, McNugget numbers, Mertens, Mittag-Leffler, Moebius, Multinomial, Negative binomial, Nine J, Normal, Omega, Owen, Partition, Phi, Pi, Poisson, Polylogarithm, Polyomino, Prime, Psi, Rayleigh, Hyperbolic Sine integral, Sigma, Sine Power integral, Sine integral, Six J, Sphere area, Sphere volume, Spherical harmonic, Stirling, Stromgen, Struve, Student, Subfactorial, Student probability, Three J, Transport, Trigamma, Truncated normal, van der Corput, von Mises, Weibull, Wright omega, Zeta.

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tsp_greedy, an Octave code which is given a city-to-city distance map, picks a starting city, and then successively visits the nearest unvisited city.

tsp_random, an Octave code which is given a city-to-city distance map, and then randomly samples a number of possible tours, to quickly seek a tour of lower length.


  1. John D Cook,
    The Chicken McNugget Monoid,
    10 October 2022.

Source Code

Last revised on 03 November 2022.