
hb_io, an Octave code which reads and writes files in the Harwell Boeing (HB) sparse matrix format.

Note that the most common "flavor" of an HB file is an assembled sparse matrix, but that there are some lesser used options, including storage of the matrix as unassembled finite element matrices, and corresponding storage of vectors. These secondary options are less well documented, and are only marginally supported in this package.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


hb_io is available in a C version and a C++ version and a Fortran90 version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version.

Related Data and Programs:


ccs_io, an Octave code which reads and writes sparse linear systems stored in the Compressed Column Storage (CCS) format.

hb, a dataset directory which contains a collection of sparse matrices in the Harwell Boeing (HB) format.

hb_to_mm, an Octave code which converts a sparse matrix from Harwell Boeing (HB) to Matrix Market (MM) format.

hb_to_msm, an Octave code which reads a Harwell Boeing (HB) file and converts it to a MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM).

hb_to_st, an Octave code which converts a sparse matrix from Harwell Boeing (HB) to sparse triplet (ST) format.

hbsmc, a dataset directory which contains the Harwell Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection;

mm_io, an Octave code which reads and writes matrices in the Matrix Market (MM) format.

mm_to_hb, an Octave code which reads the sparse matrix information from a Matrix Market (MM) file and writes a corresponding Harwell Boeing (HB) file.

mxm_to_hb, an Octave code which takes a MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM) and writes it out in the Harwell Boeing (HB) format.

plasma_matrix, an Octave code which demonstrates how a MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM) can be written to or read from a Harwell-Boeing (HB) sparse matrix file.

st_to_hb, an Octave code which converts a sparse matrix file from sparse triplet (ST) format to Harwell Boeing (HB) format);


  1. Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
    User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
    October 1992.

Source Code:

Last revised on 05 June 2023.