
hand_mesh2d, an Octave code which reads in points which outline a human hand, and calls mesh2d(), which creates a fine triangular mesh of the region outlined by the points.

The original proposer of the hand data exercise was Cleve Moler, in the textbook Numerical Computing with MATLAB.

mesh2d() is a powerful and easy-to-use program, by Darren Engwirda, for creating a good quality mesh of a region when the polygonal outline of its boundary is given.

The point of this exercise is simply to emphasize that a fairly general shape region can easily be triangulated, requiring little work from the user.


The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.


hand_mesh2d is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.

Related Data and Programs:


convex_hull, an Octave code which demonstrates the computation of the convex hull of a set of 2D points.

hand, a dataset directory which contains the (x,y) coordinates of points that outline a hand;

hand_area, an Octave code which estimates the area of a curve which outlines a person's hand.

hand_data, an Octave code which carries out some numerical exercises based on data that came from tracing several points on a person's hand.

hand_data_acquire, an Octave code which creates a data set which is presumably the (x,y) coordinates of points that outline a user's hand which has been pressed to the screen.

maple_area, an Octave code which takes the list of pixels that form the boundary of the image of a maple leaf within a picture, and uses grid, Monte Carlo, and Quasi Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the area of the leaf.

maple_boundary, an Octave code which reads an image of a maple leaf and extracts the list of pixels that form the boundary.

mesh2d, an Octave code which can automatically create a triangular mesh for a given polygonal region, by Darren Engwirda.

mesh2d_write, an Octave code which demonstrates how mesh2d() node and element data can be written to files.

polygon, a dataset directory which contains examples of polygons.

triangulate, an Octave code which triangulates a polygonal region.


Source Code:

Last revised on 12 March 2024.