
graph_adj, an Octave code which carries out operations on abstract graphs, with undirected edges, described by an adjacency matrix. Operations include breadth-first search, the computation of a minimum spanning tree, an Euler or Hamilton circuit, blocks, chromatic polynomial, or transitive closure.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


graph_adj is available in a Fortran90 version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version.

Related Data and Programs:


asa_2011_graphs, an Octave code which was used during labs, demonstrations, and lectures associated with the Graph Algorithms portion of the class Algorithms for Science Applications II, as taught at the Scientific Computing Department, Florida State University, Spring Semester 2011.

bellman_ford, an Octave code which implements the Bellman-Ford algorithm for finding the shortest distance from a given node to all other nodes in a directed graph whose edges have been assigned real-valued lengths.

combo, an Octave code which includes routines for ranking, unranking, enumerating and randomly selecting balanced sequences, cycles, graphs, Gray codes, subsets, partitions, permutations, restricted growth functions, Pruefer codes and trees.

dijkstra, an Octave code which implements the Dijkstra algorithm for finding the minimum distance from a given node of a weighted graph to all the other nodes.

floyd, an Octave code which implements the Floyd algorithm for finding the shortest distance between pairs of nodes on a directed graph.

graph_representation, an Octave code which expresses the representation of an abstract mathematical graph in several ways.

grf_display, an Octave code which reads a grf file defining a mathematical graph and displays it.

grf_io, an Octave code which reads or writes a grf file which represents a mathematical graph;

treepack, an Octave code which defines, analyzes, and manipulates trees, a simple kind of graph with no circuits. Special cases include rooted and binary trees. Representations include adjacency, arc, Pruefer code, and parent. Operations include center, diameter, eccentricity, enumeration, generation one at a time, random selection, traversal.

web_matrix, an Octave code which stores sample matrices describing a web page network. These matrices are typically very sparse, and the examples here are stored using the sparse triplet (ST) format. They can be used to demonstrate pagerank and other graph algorithms.

Source Code:

Last revised on 12 March 2023.