an Octave code which
considers problems in which one or more counterfeit coins
are to be identified by the fact that they do not have the standard weight.
Unfortunately, octave needs the packages linprog() and statistics(),
but my version of octave is too old to support them.
Methods include:
brute force: weigh every coin and report those with bad weight;
combinatorial: assume there is only 1 bad coin, and that the number of coins is 2^n-1.
carry out n weighings to determine the bad coin.
compressed sensing: weigh a certain number of random subsets of the coins
and solve an underdetermined linear system minimizing the l1 norm.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the MIT license
counterfeit_detection is available in
a MATLAB version and
an Octave version and
a Python version.
Related Data and Programs:
Kurt Bryan, Tanya Leise,
Making do with less: an introduction to compressed sensing,
SIAM Review,
Volume 55, Number 3, September 2013, pages 547-566.
Source Code:
Last revised on 10 June 2023.