contour_gradient_3d, an Octave code which demonstrates how contour lines and gradient vectors for a function f(x,y) can be displayed in a 3D plot.
The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.
contour_gradient_3d is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.
contour_gradient, an Octave code which displays contours and gradient vectors for a function f(x,y).
contour_sequence4, an Octave code which makes a sequence of contour plots based on a single XY coordinate file, and a sequence of Z(X,Y) data files.
dist_plot, an Octave code which makes contour plots of the distance function, as defined and used in Persson and Strang's distmesh code;
levels, an Octave code which makes a contour plot, choosing the contour levels using random sampling.
surf_test, an Octave code which demonstrates the surf() function for displaying a 3D surface of the form Z=F(X,Y).
triangulation_order3_contour, an Octave code which makes contour plot of scattered data, or of data defined on an order 3 triangulation.
triangulation_order6_contour, an Octave code which makes contour plots of data defined on an order 6 triangulation.