
black_scholes, an Octave code which demonstrates several approaches to the valuation of a European call, by Desmond Higham.


black_scholes is available in a C version and a C++ version and a Fortran90 version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version.

Related Data and Programs:


ornstein_uhlenbeck, an Octave code which approximates solutions of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic differential equation (SDE) using the Euler method and the Euler-Maruyama method.


Original MATLAB version by Desmond Higham; Modifications by John Burkardt.


  1. Desmond Higham,
    Black-Scholes for Scientific Computing Students,
    Computing in Science and Engineering,
    Volume 6, Number 6, November/December 2004, pages 72-79.

Source Code:

Last revised on 12 October 2022.