
tet_mesh_boundary, a MATLAB code which reads information defining a tetrahedral mesh of points in 3D, and determines the triangular faces that form the boundary of the mesh; it writes out files containing the nodes and elements defining this "TRI_SURFACE".

The tet mesh is defined by a node file containing the coordinates of nodes, and an element file containing sets of 4 or 10 node indices. (The present version of the program will only handle the 4 node case.)

Each tetrahedron has 4 triangular faces. Most of these faces will be shared by a neighbor tetrahedron, but those faces that are not shared by a neighbor constitute the boundary of the mesh.

The program identifies the triangular faces that form the boundary, and writes two files, a "boundary_node" file that lists the coordinates of the nodes, and a "boundary_element" file that lists the indices of the nodes used to form the faces. This pair of files defines a triangulated 3D surface, or "TRI_SURFACE".


tet_mesh_boundary ( 'prefix' )
where prefix is the common file prefix:


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


tet_mesh_boundary is available in a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.

Related Programs:

tet_mesh, a MATLAB code which is useful for work with tet meshes.


tet_mesh_display, a MATLAB code which can read in the node and tetra files defining a tet mesh and display a wireframe image.

tet_mesh_order4, a directory which contains a description and examples of a tet mesh using order 4 elements.

tet_mesh_order10, a directory which contains a description and examples of a tet mesh using order 10 elements.

tet_mesh_tet_neighbors, a data directory which contains a description and examples of the format for storing information about neighboring tetrahedrons in a tetrahedral mesh.

tri_surface, a data directory which contains examples of TRI_SURFACE files, a 3D surface described by a collection of triangles.

tri_surface_display, a MATLAB code which displays the 3D graphics information in a TRI_SURFACE file;


  1. Herbert Edelsbrunner,
    Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation,
    Cambridge, 2001,
    ISBN: 0-521-79309-2,
    LC: QA377.E36.
  2. Barry Joe,
    GEOMPACK - a software package for the generation of meshes using geometric algorithms,
    Advances in Engineering Software,
    Volume 13, 1991, pages 325-331.
  3. Per-Olof Persson, Gilbert Strang,
    A Simple Mesh Generator in MATLAB,
    SIAM Review,
    Volume 46, Number 2, June 2004, pages 329-345.

Source code

Last revised on 31 March 2019.