t_puzzle_gui, a MATLAB code which sets up a graphical user interface for the T puzzle, by Cleve Moler.
The original T puzzle is a set of 4 wooden pieces. The challenge is to arrange the pieces to form the shape of the letter T. Three other challenge shapes are an arrow, a rhombus, and a "fat" T.
The program displays the four pieces on the screen and allows the user to select a piece, translate it, rotate it, or reflect it, in an attempt to reconstruct the challenge shape.
t_puzzle_gui is available in a MATLAB version.
Cleve Moler
boundary_word_right, a MATLAB code which describes the outline of an object on a grid of isoceles right triangles, using a string of symbols that represent the sequence of steps tracing out the boundary.
exm, a MATLAB code which illustrates the computational experiments in "Experiments with Matlab", by Cleve Moler.
t_puzzle, a MATLAB code which considers the T puzzle, a set of 4 wooden pieces. The challenge is to arrange the pieces to form the shape of the letter T. Three other challenge shapes are an arrow, a rhombus, and a "fat" T.
t_puzzle_cplex_test, a BASH code which calls cplex(), to read the LP file defining the T-puzzle tiling problem, solve the linear programming problem, and write the solution to a file.
t_puzzle_gurobi_test, a BASH code which calls gurobi(), to read the LP file defining the T-puzzle tiling problem, solve the linear programming problem, and write the solution to a file.