
fem2d_mesh_display, a MATLAB code which plots the nodes and elements of a mesh involved in the finite element method (FEM).

FEM2D_MESH_DISPLAY reads the FEM model of a mesh, that is, a file listing the node coordinates and a file listing the indices of the nodes that form each polygonal element. It displays the mesh, with optional number of nodes or elements.


fem2d_mesh_display ( 'prefix', node_vis, element_vis )
where 'prefix' is the common prefix for the node and element files: and node_vis is an integer defining the node visibility: and element_vis is an integer defining the element visibility:


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license


fem2d_mesh_display is available in a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

bezier_surface_display, a MATLAB code which displays a Bezier surface;

fem_basis_t3_display, a MATLAB code which displays a basis function associated with a linear triangle ("T3") mesh.

fem_basis_t6_display, a MATLAB code which reads a quadratic triangle mesh and displays any associated basis function.


fem2d_scalar_display, a MATLAB code which reads information about nodes, elements and nodal values for a 2D finite element method (FEM) and creates a surface plot of U(X,Y), using the MATLAB graphics system.

fem2d_scalar_display_gpl, a MATLAB code which reads information about nodes, elements and nodal values for a 2D finite element method (FEM) and creates a GPL file describing a surface plot of U(X,Y), which can be displayed by gnuplot.

fenics_to_fem, examples which illustrate how a mesh or scalar function computed by the FENICS program can be written to FEM files, which can then be used to create images, or as input to meshing programs or other analysis tools.

grid_display, a MATLAB code which can display a 2D or 3D grid or sparse grid.

gridlines, a MATLAB code which gives the user more control over drawing gridlines on a graph than the builtin "grid on" command.

polygonal_surface_display, a MATLAB code which displays a surface in 3D described as a set of polygons;

quad_surface_display, a MATLAB code which plots piecewise bilinear data associated with a QUAD_SURFACE, that is, a 3D surface defined by a quadrilateral mesh;

tet_mesh_display, a MATLAB code which reads in the node and tetra files defining a tet mesh and displays a wireframe image.

tri_surface_display, a MATLAB code which reads data defining a triangular mesh of a 3D surface and displays it.

triangulation_display, a MATLAB code which displays the nodes and elements of a triangulation on the MATLAB graphics screen;

triangulation_plot, a MATLAB code which plots a triangulation as a PostScript file.

Source Code:

Last revised on 03 May 2019.