The Lineup Puzzle

It is a common pasttime to try to arrange things in lines. Gardeners find it pleasing to arrange trees in patterns that line up at various points.

Mathematicians wonder about things like, given 9 trees or coins or dots, what is the most number of lines of three you can make. As a start, we know we can get 8 lines this way:

        *  *  *
        *  *  *
        *  *  *

Puzzle 1: Arrange 9 pennies on a table, in such a way that there are 10 different lines of 3 pennies each.

Puzzle 2: If you have 10 pennies, can you arrange them in 5 rows of 4?

Puzzle 3: If you have 16 pennies, how many different lines of 4 can you achieve?

I give up, show me the solution.

Last revised on 17 June 2001.