triangulation_quality, a Fortran90 code which computes and prints quality measures for a given triangulation of a set of points in 2D.
The triangulation is defined by a node file containing the coordinates of nodes, and a triangle file containing sets of 3 or 6 node indices.
The quality measures computed include:
Each quality measure is defined as the minimum of its value over all the triangles; the maximum and best possible value is 1, and the minimum and worst possible value is 0.
triangulation_quality prefixwhere prefix is the common prefix for the node and element files
The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.
triangulation_quality is available in a C++ version and a Fortran90 version and a MATLAB version and and an Octave version.
tet_mesh_quality, a Fortran90 code which computes quality measures of a tetrahedral mesh.
triangulation, a Fortran90 code which carries out various operations on order 3 ("linear") or order 6 ("quadratic") triangulations.