
extract, a Fortran90 code which pulls a copy of a Fortran block data, function, module, program or subroutine from a big file, and saves the copy in a little file.

I've found the code useful, as an alternative to printing out a huge library of routines, or using an editor to extract the seven routines I need from a collection of 200.


extract module file.f
where If the module is found, it is written to a file named module.f.


The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.


extract is available in a Fortran90 version

Related Data and Programs:


catalog, a C++ code which reads a C, C++, Fortran77 or Fortran90 program and prints every line that begins with a special index tag. If the program has been marked up expecting this convention, it is a handy way of making a table of contents of a program file.

f77_cleanup, a Fortran90 code which makes a copy of a Fortran77 file in which some minor cleanups have been made.

fixcon, a Fortran90 code which reads a Fortran file using Fortran77 continuation statements, and makes a copy that uses Fortran90 continuation instead.

f90split, a Fortran90 code which reads a Fortran file and creates individual files for every subroutine or function in the file.

htmlindex, a C++ code which reads a Fortran program and writes a skeleton HTML page describing it, assuming that each subroutine includes a '!!' or 'cc' description line.

include_files, a Fortran90 code which reads a Fortran program with INCLUDE statements, and makes a copy with the indicated files included.

module_mark, a Fortran90 code which replaces bare "END" statements by "END (module name)" statements in a Fortran90 file.

Source Code:

Last revised on 17 June 2024.