Multidimensional Scaling Program

ALSCAL is a FORTRAN77 program which carries out multidimensional scaling (MDS).

It uses the alternating least squares approach to scaling. It is capable of a wide range of analyses, and is suitable for any type of two or three way data, measured at the nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio level.

Related Data and Programs:

ALSCAL is available in a FORTRAN77 version and a FORTRAN90 version.

ALSCAL_DATA_CONVERT is a FORTRAN90 program which reads a data file containing object names and distances between objects and reformats the data for input to ALSCAL.


  1. Forrest Young, Rostyslaw Lewyckyj,
    ALSCAL User's Guide,
    L L Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory,
    University of North Carolina,
    Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27599
  2. the ALSCAL web page.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

List of Routines:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN77 source codes.

Last revised on 18 August 2008.