
lapack_test, a C++ code which calls lapack(), which is a Fortran library, containing a standard linear algebra package for solving linear systems, computing matrix factorizations, and solving eigenvalue problems. A precompiled copy of the lapack() library is often available on most scientific computing systems. This code is designed to illustrate the techniques by which a C++ calling program interacts with a Fortran library.

The lapack() library is often available as a precompiled library. For example, on a unix system, such a library might be accessed at the load stage by the expression "-llapack".


The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.


lapack_test is available in a C++ version and a Fortran77 version and a Fortran90 version and a FreeFem++ version.

Related Data and Programs:

linear_algebra, a C++ code which carries out various linear algebra operations for matrices stored in a variety of formats.

Source code:

Last revised on 06 June 2024.