
gsl_test, a C++ code which uses the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), which includes utilities to handle Basis splines, BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms), Chebyshev Approximation, Complex numbers, Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), Discrete Hankel Transforms, Discrete Wavelet Transforms, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), Histograms, IEEE Floating Point Calculations, Interpolation, Least Squares Fitting, Linear Algebra, Minimization, Monte Carlo Integration, N-Tuples, Numerical Differentiation, Permutations, Physical Constants, Quadrature (Numerical Integration), Quasi-Random sequences, Random Distributions, Random Numbers, Root finding of general nonlinear equations, Roots of Polynomials, Running Statistics, Series Acceleration, Simulated Annealing, Sorting, Sparse Matrices, Special Functions, Statistics, Vectors and matrices.


g++ myprog.cpp -lgsl -lgslcblas
compiles myprog.C and links it with GSL and the necessary BLAS routines.


The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.


gsl_test is available in a C version and a C++ version.

Related Data and Programs:

blas1, a C++ code which implements the BLAS Level 1 vector-vector routines, which is included in GSL.

polpak, a C++ code which evaluates various recursive polynomials and other special functions.

test_values, a C++ code which returns a few values of various special functions.


  1. the GSL home page.
  2. Mark Gelassi, Jim Davies, James Tyler, Bryan Gough, Gerard Jungman, Patrick Alken, Michael Booth, Fabrice Rossi,
    GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual,
    Network Theory Ltd, Third Edition, 2009,
    ISBN: 0954612078.

Source Code:

Last revised on 31 August 2005.