super_blas, a C code which is a version of the BLAS, or Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, written in C, and tailored for use with the SUPERLU library.
The usual release of SUPER_BLAS does not include the full set of BLAS routines. Most of the real level 1 routines are included, except for SROTG and SSWAP, and DROTG and DSWAP. However, only a few of the complex level 1 routines are included. The situation for level 2 and level 3 is more sketchy.
Independent of its application with SUPERLU, the SUPER_BLAS library may be useful for programmers using C and wishing to access a set of BLAS routines.
Note, however, that to promote compatibility with FORTRAN,
The BLAS are a small core library of linear algebra utilities, which can be highly optimized for various architectures. Software that relies on the BLAS is thus highly portable, and will typically run very efficiently. The LINPACK and LAPACK linear algebra libraries make extensive use of the BLAS.
super_blasS is available in a C version.
BLAS1_D, a C code which contains basic linear algebra routines for vector-vector operations, using double precision real arithmetic;
SUPERLU, a C code which applies a fast direct solution method to a sparse linear system.