Multidimensional Quadrature Using Sparse Grids

SMOLPACK, a C library which estimates the integral of a function over a hypercube using a sparse grid, by Knut Petras.


SMOLPACK is available in a C version.

Related Programs:

CLENSHAW_CURTIS_RULE, a C library which can set up a Clenshaw Curtis quadrature grid in multiple dimensions.


SPARSE_GRID_CC, a dataset directory which contains files of the abscissas of sparse grids based on a Clenshaw Curtis rule.

SPARSE_GRID_F2, a dataset directory which contains files of the abscissas of sparse grids based on a Fejer Type 2 rule.

SPARSE_GRID_GP, a dataset directory which contains files of the abscissas of sparse grids based on a Gauss Patterson rule.

SPARSE_GRID_HW, a C library which creates sparse grids based on Gauss-Legendre, Gauss-Hermite, Gauss-Patterson, or a nested variation of Gauss-Hermite rules, by Florian Heiss and Viktor Winschel.

TESTPACK, a C library which defines the Genz test integrand functions.


Knut Petras


  1. Alan Genz,
    A Package for Testing Multiple Integration Subroutines,
    in Numerical Integration: Recent Developments, Software and Applications,
    edited by Patrick Keast, Graeme Fairweather,
    Reidel, 1987, pages 337-340,
    ISBN: 9027725144,
    LC: QA299.3.N38
  2. Erich Novak, Klaus Ritter,
    High dimensional integration of smooth functions over cubes,
    Numerische Mathematik,
    Volume 75, Number 1, November 1996, pages 79-97.
  3. Erich Novak, Klaus Ritter,
    Simple Cubature Formulas with High Polynomial Exactness,
    Constructive Approximation,
    Volume 15, Number 4, December 1999, pages 499-522.
  4. Knut Petras,
    Fast Calculation of Coefficients in the Smolyak Algorithm,
    Numerical Algorithms,
    Volume 26, Number 2, February 2001, pages 93-109.
  5. Knut Petras,
    Smolyak Cubature of Given Polynomial Degree with Few Nodes for Increasing Dimension,
    Numerische Mathematik,
    Volume 93, Number 4, February 2003, pages 729-753.
  6. Sergey Smolyak,
    Quadrature and Interpolation Formulas for Tensor Products of Certain Classes of Functions,
    Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,
    Volume 4, 1963, pages 240-243.

Source Code:

Last revised on 06 August 2019.