Visualizes the index sets of a two-dimensional dimension-adaptive sparse grid.Syntax
Plots the set of multi-indices S_k
of a two-dimensional dimension-adaptive sparse grid interpolant A_{S_k}(f)
. Z
must be the sparse grid data as returned by spvals
. spvals
must be called with the option 'DimensionAdaptive'
switched 'on'
(this can be done using spset
The following code constructs a dimension-adaptive sparse grid interpolant of the function
using greedy grid refinement (the degree of dimensional adaptivity is set to 1). The default interpolation box is range = [0,1]^2.
f = inline('sin(10.*x)+y.^2'); options = spset('DimensionAdaptive', 'on', 'DimAdaptDegree', 1); z = spvals(f, 2, [], options)
z = vals: {[149x1 double]} gridType: 'Clenshaw-Curtis' d: 2 range: [] estRelError: 0.0018 estAbsError: 0.0039 fevalRange: [-0.9589 1.2500] minGridVal: [0.5000 0] maxGridVal: [0.1562 0.5000] nPoints: 149 fevalTime: 0.3286 surplusCompTime: 0.0089 indices: [1x1 struct] maxLevel: [7 4] activeIndices: [3x1 uint32] activeIndices2: [13x1 uint32] E: [1x13 double] G: [13x1 double] G2: [13x1 double] maxSetPoints: 7 dimAdapt: 1
The resulting interpolant is plotted using Matlab's ezmesh command and an anonymous function containing the call to spinterp. Plotting the multi-index sets used by the interpolant reveals that the refinement is more dense in the x-direction, since more points are required to resolve the oscillation of the sine curve. Due to the greedy refinement, only a single index (2,2) is computed in joint dimensions, since the error indicator of the multi-index (2,2) is equal to zero (f is a separable function).
ezmesh(@(x,y) spinterp(z,x,y), [0 1]);
axis square;

See Also