medit_to_fem, a Fortran90 code which reads a medit() MESH file and writes a corresponding pair of node and element files that correspond to the FEM format.
medit_to_fem prefixwhere prefix is the common filename prefix so that:
The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.
medit_to_fem is available in a C version and a C++ version and a Fortran90 version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version.
dolfin-convert, a Python program which can convert a mesh file from Gmsh, MEDIT, METIS or SCOTCH format to an XML format suitable for use by DOLFIN or FENICS, by Anders Logg.
fem_io, a Fortran90 code which reads or writes node, element and data files defining a model associated with the finite element method (FEM).
fem2d, a data directory which contains examples of 2D FEM files, a pair of files defining the coordinates of nodes, and the nodes that form triangular elements.
gmsh_to_fem, a Fortran90 code which reads a mesh data file created by the GMSH program and writes a pair of node and element files that correspond to the FEM format.
medit, a data directory which contains examples of files used by the medit() program to define a 2D or 3D mesh for use by the finite element method (FEM), using triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedrons or hexahedrons.
medit, examples which illustrate the use of medit, an interactive graphics program developed to visualize numerical simulation results on unstructured meshes in two and three dimensions. Scalar, vector and tensor fields can be easily associated and displayed with meshes. The program is by Pascal Frey.
medit_mesh_io, a Fortran90 code which reads or writes files used by the medit() program, which can be used to define the a mesh associated with the finite element method (FEM) in 2D or 3D, using triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedrons or hexahedrons.
xml_to_fem, a Python code which reads an XML file created by FENICS or DOLFIN, describing a mesh in 1D, 2D, or 3D, and creates corresponding FEM files, namely, a file of node coordinates, and a file of element connectivities.