ising_3d_simulation, a Fortran90 code which carries out a Monte Carlo simulation of a 3D Ising model.
The text of this Ising model appeared as an example in the ANSI Fortran90 standard in 1992. It is a nice presentation of how to use certain features of Fortran90, and also demonstrates why one would like to use these features - they make the Ising calculation very simple to describe.
ising_3d_simulation n iterationswhere
The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.
ising_3d_simulation is available in a Fortran90 version.
f90_intrinsics_test, Fortran90 codes which illustrate the use of Fortran90 intrinsic functions.
f90_simulation, a Fortran90 code which uses simulation to study card games, contests, and other processes which have a random element. Usually, the purpose is to try to predict the average behavior of the system over many trials.
mandelbrot, a Fortran90 code which generates an ASCII PPM image of the Mandelbrot set;