grf_to_eps, a Fortran90 code which converts a GRF "graph" file (a format used by the Combinatorica program) to a EPS image file.
In other words, it can draw a picture of an abstract graph.
The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.
grf_to_eps is available in a Fortran90 version.
eps_to_jpg, a BASH script which converts a collection of EPS files to JPEG format.
eps_to_png, a BASH script which converts a collection of EPS files to PNG format.
graffiti, a dataset directory which contains 195 abstract graphs, with adjacency and embedding information, stored in the GRF format.
graph_representation, a data directory which contains examples of ways of representing abstract mathematical graphs
grf, a data directory which contains a description of the GRF format and some examples.
grf_io, a Fortran90 library which reads and writes GRF files.
grf_to_xyl, a Fortran90 program which converts information describing the adjacency and embedding of an abstract graph from GRF to XYL format.
ps_write, a Fortran90 library which creates PostScript images.