toms453, a FORTRAN77 code which implements ACM toms algorithm 453, which computes the abscissas and weights of a Gaussian quadrature formula of given order for Bromwich's integral.
The Bromwich integral is sometimes called the Fourier-Mellin integral or the Mellin integral. It is the inverse of the Laplace transform. Thus, the quadrature rule, applied to a complex function G(z), which is the Laplace transform of the real function f(t), can be used to approximate the value of f(t) at a point.
The text of many ACM toms algorithms is available online through ACM: or NETLIB:
call bromin ( n, s, tol, xr, xi, wr, wi, eps, ier )
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license
toms453 is available in a FORTRAN77 version and a FORTRAN90 version.