
r8lib, a C code which contains a number of utility routines for R8 or "double precision real" arithmetic.


The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.


r8lib is available in a C version and a C++ version and a Fortran90 version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version and an R version.

Related Programs:


c8lib, a C code which implements certain elementary functions for "C8" or double precision complex variables;

i4lib, a C code which contains many utility routines, using "I4" or "single precision integer" arithmetic.

i8lib, a C code which contains many utility routines, using "I8" or "double precision integer" arithmetic.

r8col, a C code which contains utility routines for R8COL's, that is, double precision real MxN arrays, considered as N column vectors, each of length M. The data may be thought of as a matrix of multiple columns, and many operations will be carried out columnwise.

r8row, a C code which contains utility routines for R8ROW's, that is, double precision real MxN arrays, considered as M row vectors, each of length N. The data may be thought of as a matrix of multiple rows, and many operations will be carried out rowwise.

Source Code:

Last revised on 01 August 2019.