hb_to_msm, an Octave code which accepts a sparse matrix in the Harwell Boeing (HB) Sparse Matrix File Format, and which reads that data and returns it in MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM) format.
The original version could only read real data. The code has recently been modified so that it should be able to handle complex data as well.
The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.
hb_to_msm is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.
hb, a dataset directory which contains a collection of sparse matrices in the Harwell Boeing (HB) format.
hb_io, an Octave code which reads and writes Harwell Boeing (HB) files.
hb_to_mm, an Octave code which converts a sparse matrix from Harwell Boeing (HB) to Matrix Market (MM) format.
hb_to_st, an Octave code which converts a sparse matrix from Harwell Boeing (HB) to sparse triplet (ST) format.
mm_to_msm, an Octave code which reads a Matrix Market (MM) file defining a sparse matrix, and creates a corresponding MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM).
msm_to_hb, an Octave code which converts a MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM) into a Harwell Boeing (HB) file.
plasma_matrix, an Octave code which demonstrates how a large MATLAB sparse matrix (MSM) can be written to or read from a Harwell Boeing (HB) file.
st_to_msm, an Octave code which reads an sparse triplet (ST) file and creates a corresponding MATLAB Sparse Matrix (MSM).