fem2d_pack, an Octave code which contains utilities for implementing the finite element method (FEM).
The emphasis is on simplicity and clarity. Only the 2D case is handled, with a choice of low order triangular and quadrilateral elements.
A few routines are included for computing a "sphere grid", that is, a finite element mesh on the surface of a sphere.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license
fem2d_pack is available in a C version and a C++ version and a Fortran90 version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version.
fem_basis, an Octave code which can define and evaluate basis functions for any degree in an M-dimensional simplex (1D interval, 2D triangle, 3D tetrahedron, and higher dimensional generalizations.)
fem_io, an Octave code which reads or writes the node, element and data files that define a finite element model.
fem1d_pack, an Octave code which contains utilities for 1D finite element calculations.
fem2d, a data directory which contains examples of 2D FEM files, text files that describe a 2D finite element geometry and associated nodal values;
fem2d_heat, an Octave code which solves the time dependent heat equation in the unit square.
fem2d_poisson_rectangle_linear, an Octave code which solves the 2D Poisson equation on a rectangle, using the finite element method, and piecewise linear triangular elements.
fem2d_sample, an Octave code which evaluates a finite element function defined on an order 3 or order 6 triangulation.
fem3d_pack, an Octave code which contains utilities for 3D finite element calculations.