box_display, an Octave code which creates a plot over a range of integer boxes, whose default color is gray, but some of which can be painted red (new stuff) and some painted blue (old stuff)
box_display ( m, n, @blue, @red, title )where
The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license
box_display is available in a MATLAB version and an Octave version.
box_plot, an Octave code which displays a box plot of data that consists of pairs of integers;
cc_display, an Octave code which displays the abscissas used in various kinds of Clenshaw Curtis quadrature rules.
circle_grid_display, an Octave code which reads a matrix of integers, and draws a corresponding grid of circles filled with color.
gl_display, an Octave code which displays the abscissas used in various kinds of Gauss Legendre quadrature rules.
gridlines, an Octave code which gives the user more control over drawing gridlines on a graph than the builtin "grid on" command.
prime_plot an Octave code which displays a box plot of the prime and composite numbers.
usa_box_plot, an Octave code which can create simplified maps of the USA in which each state appears as a box, and the placement of the boxes only roughly corresponds to the relative locations of states on an accurate map.